This is a long writing, so you may want to chew it in chunks. I hope you find it a worthwhile read.
What happened on this small planet near the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy was not an accident from the largest perspective. It certainly might seem like that at times. Last night the veils were lifted and I saw this on a whole new level. I encountered, once again, the deep tiredness of the soul from being on Earth, and the great passion and desire to go home. The not rare draw to leaving soon arose again, and with it was the existential pain and suffering of being exiled, for so long, from my home. I believe this is the deepest, most profound pain many of us hold, for someplace deep in our minds we remember what it was like before the Fall. Near-death experiences give us a glimpse and remembrance of what lies ahead.
This being we know as Barry Martin came forth out of the Godhead long ago, although time has no meaning in eternity. I came forth into the angelic realms, a Seraphim, whose role it was to assist in the carrying out of particular aspects of the divine plan for creation, as they came from Father~Mother God, the Elohim, Councils of Light, and the Paradise Sons. For many eons I served in those luminous realms where the eternal light of the Father and the perfect divine creation of the Mother was all that was and is. In fact, nothing else was known or even conceived of as possible.
These are not the only realms in God's creation. There are the realms of becoming, in which Father-Mother God dances to birth ever-new forms of creation. New planets, galaxies and universes spin out beyond the edge of where the sons and daughters of God experience constant communion with the Godhead. These realms are known as the lower dimensions or dust worlds, such as that of Earth, in which creation exists in third-dimensional time and space. In these realms, evolving forms are slowly acquiring more of the luminous light, love, life and consciousness of the Source Creator. Over long periods of time, forms evolve and come forth to incarnate more of the divine impulse and image. There is not a full conscious realization of unity with the Source Creator at these levels. An inconscience reigns, as these dimensions are negatively polarized towards the feminine and form aspect. There is absolutely nothing evil or wrong with these realms. They are the outer garden, in which the richness and depth of God's creation is growing and coming forth.
Souls from the divine realms did not incarnate into these lower realms because there were not yet forms here capable of manifesting the full consciousness of the Source Creator. Because these forms were negatively polarized, the pure spirit impulse would necessarily involute as it descended into these forms. In fact, this was the process by which these forms would slowly evolve. In ever-greater increments, the monadic spirit of Source would dance with the Divine mother and her form creation to continue to evolve new and more perfect forms.
It was never meant for individualized souls, with the divine flame of the Source Creator at the center of their being, to descend and incarnate into these lower realms, especially that of the third dimension. It would be impossible for these beings to stay awake to the pure spirit presence of Source Creator within them in these negatively polarized realms. The full presence of Source is simply not present within this level of density. This was inherently understood in the divine domains, including those of all the angelic orders. Now it is to be understood that the Source Creator is all loving, and to be all loving is to be all allowing. It is also to understand that God is All That Is, and thus is continually exploring all possibilities to better know and realize itself. That is the primary impulse of God through its creation. It is a continuous process of divine play and exploration in which God, through its infinite variety of forms in all dimensions of the multi-verse, is coming to know itself through its incarnated form presences. Because God is infinite, there is no limit to its possibilities, and because God is love there is complete allowance for all those possibilities to be explored.
As Lucifer descended, he immediately began to lose his communion with Source Creator. Shadows began to fall within his being. His holy mind was no longer connected with the Source of the divine blueprint for creation, yet he took it upon himself to act as a creator God in the lower realms. The holy, pure and perfect imprints that come directly from Source Creator, which are then made manifest from the Godhead through the Elohim, to the Councils of Light, the Paradise Sons and the many angelic realms, could not be received by him in their complete, holy, pure and perfect nature. Miscreation had to occur. In this imperfect consciousness, what had to occur was the evolution of imperfect forms that could not manifest the divine blueprint directly from Source Creator. Thus, the fall of Lucifer created a relative reality, resulting in this part of creation manifesting states of energy~consciousness and form not reflective of the eternal true nature of God.
Lucifer became veiled, went to sleep and experienced the primal, excruciating pain of separation, which he still carries. This is also incorporated into the souls of all beings on this Earth, save for a few who have fully awakened to their true nature. Thus, the trance of separation, with all its attendent primal pain, all the emotions of fear, doubt, grief, anger, hopelessness and despair, etc., was born.
The moment Lucifer fell, the Godhead immediately began the project of redemption. In the infinite love of Father~Mother God and all the beings of the divine realms, the pain of Lucifer and those original angels that went with him echoed out into creation. As soon as this occurred, a corresponding impulse to serve in the redemption of these beings arose strongly in many souls, including the one we know as Barry Martin in this incarnation. From the seraphic realms this being descended with many others, in an attempt to rescue Lucifer and the other angels that had gone with him. The majority of these angelic beings, including this one, became ensnared in the trance of separation consciousness that is inherent in the third-dimensional realm. Many of these angels of light did not fall completely asleep, because of their deep desire to serve the Father as part of the program of redemption. For these souls, the eternal flame in the center of the soul remained alive. Their love for Father~Mother God, and the desire to do the Father’s will, enabled these subsequent groups of angels to descend as a counterpoint to the bands of Lucifer. In essence, a duality emerged in which the fallen Angels of light attempted to counterbalance and raise the fallen Angels of darkness who were here for their own purposes, exercising their own will and desire to explore the separateness.
I want to make it clear that from an absolute perspective none of this was, or is, wrong. There is no judgment in the heart and mind of the Eternal Father~Mother God for what has happened. Lucifer's fall was an exploration that may have been destined to occur, since God explores all possibilities, even that of attempting to separate from itself through one of its individualized aspects or souls. Love and allowance hold even this. The Godhead knows that nothing can, in truth, ever be separate. It is impossible for anything to exist outside of God, for God is all that is. There can only be a loss of consciousness of this eternal truth. What we call evil is nothing more than an inversion and reversal of the divine image and impulse. It is live spelled backwards.
God is infinite eternal light, love and life. This is an immutable, eternal truth and reality. What we experience in these shadow realms is illusory, in its true sense. It is a dream that can be made relatively manifest through the divine creative nature of the souls who inhabit these realms. As aspects of God, we are holographic, fractal manifestations of the Source Creator, and thus can dream our own dreams of creation. In the trance of the illusion of separation, we dream a dream of a world in which the holy, pure and perfect divinity is apparently not present, a delusory state of Mind, in which the life, light and love of our true nature appear absent…in which truth cannot be known and love can appear to be lost in fear and hatred….in which light can seem to disappear into the darkness of unconsciousness……in which life can seem to wither and die in imperfect transient forms. All this is but a relative reality, a dream of sleep manifesting this ultimate illusion on this third-dimensional world. None of it ultimately has any truth, reality or power. It receives the appearance of reality through the projection of our fallen minds, empowered by our eternally unchanging divine nature. It is to always be remembered that despite its seeming reality, it is still a dream, an illusion.
It is important to remember that God is not angry and is not judging any who descended into these realms including Lucifer himself. God is all love and incapable of judgment because God knows we are one with eternal, unchanging divinity, never separate from that. It is impossible that we can ever be other than one with the Godhead because our being exists eternally, inextricably within the Mind, Heart and Being of God, even as we dream otherwise. Because God is love, God allows us this journey of the apparent experience of separation because God knows that in the ultimate sense, nothing really bad can ever occur within the endless light of eternity. It is but a dream that is now ending. That is the truth and magic of these times. This time was destined to happen the moment the dream began, because God's exploration of God can only result in God coming back to itself, because God is all that is. It was impossible that Lucifer could fall and take a myriad of beings with him and have that end up in ultimate failure and defeat of the divine impulse. That journey had to eventually go full circle, back to where it began, because there was no other possibility. God can ultimately not separate itself from itself because God is all that is.
Beings of light have been descending into this apparently fallen realm from the beginning. Always, throughout time, the Godhead has sent down avatars, tendrils of its being, into these domains. Beings such as Krishna, Buddha and Christ are but a few of these. With each descent, more consciousness and light was awakened in the evolving souls of the early humans, the emerging forms on this planet that would eventually be capable of fully incarnating the presence of the Source Creator. It was known from the beginning that the fullness of the Godhead would someday wake up inside of its creation and realize itself. Each of these divine incarnations or avatars brought a new aspect of the pure impulse of the Godhead into the evolving consciousness until the final species, Homo sapiens sapiens, emerged, fully capable of realizing its oneness with God. Two thousand years ago, an event of the greatest importance in this story occurred. There was a moment of rightness and ripeness, in which the fullness of the Godhead could descend to such a degree that it could completely resurrect the form aspect~body, the material manifestation of the species, and thus ultimately the whole planet. The vibrational rate and complexity of the form of Homo sapiens had been raised to the point where it could be a vessel capable of incarnating that quantum of love, life and light. The subtle body and chakra system, the central nervous system, and especially the heart were now evolved enough to support this.
This allowed the being we have come to know as Christ Jesus or Yeshua Christos to appear as the first full incarnation of Source Creator. This being stood on the shoulders of all who went before. As the last runner in a long distance relay race, he was the one to carry the baton to the finish line. It was his job to pass the fully-realized presence of Source~Creator, whom he called The Father, on to the rest of humanity. During the last two thousand years, the Christic impulse within the human species gestated. We are now arriving at the point in time where time ends and eternity returns. It is the moment when the sleeping species, Homo sapiens, enters into its final evolutionary process. The earthbound caterpillars we have known this physical species to be are entering the chrysalis, in which all previous forms -- mental, emotional, physical and spiritual -- are going through a rapid transformation. Eventually, out of that chrysalis will emerge a new species, Homo Luminous.
Throughout the long arc of history, at the end of each evolutionary cycle an extinction-level event has occurred, after which a new, higher-order species emerges. Homo sapiens has come to the limits of its capabilities. It has developed enormous creative talents and mental capacities unknown in any prior species. Under the spell of the illusion of separation, though, our species would never fully be able to creatively manifest the divine image. Thus we see the imperfection that is inherent in this world. While we have demonstrated the immense creative capabilities that are inherently part of our true divine nature, even the most exalted expressions cannot be fully in alignment with the divine image and impulse. The world we have created has come to its limits. All the social, cultural, and political structures we have created must dissolve so they can be reborn as new structures manifesting the fullness of the Source.
We are hurtling into a white hole in time, as Peter Russell called it, a singularity in space~time through which, in the not-too-distant future, our species will pass into a new, higher-dimensional realm. Nothing that exists in the energy~consciousness of separation can pass through that singularity. Only that which exists within the love, light and life of our true inherent nature as souls can make the journey to the new reality. What we see occurring around us now -- all that appears as disease, destruction and death -- is really this process unfolding. A fine screen is filtering away all that is unlike the love, light and life that are our true nature as souls. There is a fierce grace in this, for it is forcing all the distortion that has existed since the Fall to come to the surface to be redeemed. This is divinely guided and orchestrated by an all-loving God. Neither it -- the process itself -- nor we can possibly fail. With God's omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, all-loving nature in charge, how can failure occur, when there is no other power that can oppose that?
The end was known at the beginning. The light of God never fails. We must pass through the death of the third-dimensional human caterpillar so that the fourth- and fifth-dimensional divine human butterfly, Homo luminous, can emerge. The part of us that is identified as the third-dimensional caterpillar experiences the process as dissolution and death. But what is true and eternal within us can never be damaged or die. And as we are all finding out, the caterpillar does not “do” or orchestrate this process. It simply happens through the divine impulse of creation. As the birthing of the luminous new species unfolds, what is asked of us is to become aware of and align with this process by fully surrendering ourselves to it. This dissolution will proceed until all that we've known and thought ourselves to be has passed away, guided by the loving hand of God.
Despite appearances -- coronavirus, economic meltdown, climate and earth changes -- nothing can and will occur that is not based in love and infinite intelligence. Our faith and trust in God, Source Creator, or whatever way we refer to the Something Larger that is holding everything in Creation, will likely be tested all along the way. Is it time to surrender more deeply to the divine currents that are carrying us into a new life? Can we submit to the process of dying to all we thought we were, releasing all we believed life to be? Each of these inner deaths is inevitably followed by a corresponding rebirth into ways of being we could not have imagined until now.
The Second Coming is upon us. The divine avataric descent is occurring. It has many faces -- the Kalki in Hinduism, the Maitreya Buddha in the Buddhist traditions, the Christ in the Christian traditions, the Imam Madhi in Islam. Grace heretofore unknown is pouring onto this Earth. When we turn our minds and hearts up to this Source of light, love, life, and infinite grace, we will be lifted, raised up and taken through this process. As we surrender into it, we will find ourselves shedding the skins of our old caterpillar identity and unveiling the luminous, loving essence of our emergent divine butterfly nature. The death of the caterpillar and the birth of the butterfly is one indivisible process. With absolute assurance, we can know that it will not fail.
As we look back from the Other Side, we will see that we have experienced one of the most magnificent journeys that has ever occurred in creation. Each of us is gifted and blessed to be here to experience it, even though at times it may seem extremely difficult and painful. But we can remind ourselves that this birthing pain is transitory, and the gifts we shall receive as a new species are immeasurable, beyond our ability to grasp at this point. I am blessed to be joined with all of you in this most blessed journey. I send you all my love, light, and blessings as we walk through this together and beyond.