Agents of Grace: Fulfilling our Destiny, Blessing the World
Book Two: Birthing the Luminous Self Trilogy
The great philosopher-astrologer Dane Rudhyar stated, “We are each born in answer to a need.” At some point in our journey through life, each of us has probably intuited that we have come to Earth to fulfill a purpose that no other soul can actualize in quite the same way. Responding to this need of the Whole for our unique contribution is a deep, primal urge within us all. The burning desire to discover and fulfill our soul purpose is the voice of our true nature alerting us to the importance of offering our unique gifts to the world. Whether we vaguely sense or deeply know it, each of us has incarnated at this exact time on planet Earth to help our world and humanity through the greatest evolutionary leap in the history of the globe. As we look out at the world, the need for immediate and profound transformation through grace is evident everywhere. Seeing this intensifies the desire to contribute in the highest way possible. Many of us intuit that we are here to contribute more than the capacities and gifts we possess at the personality level. The sense that we have something more significant to offer arises from our soul, the inner doorway to the vast levels of grace accessible through our higher Self. We can only temporarily put aside what we were born to be and do. A compelling knowing that now is the time is emerging in all of us who have come to Earth at this pivotal time to offer our gifts to the Whole. More than anything, we want to relieve suffering and make life more wonderful for our fellow beings in any way we can. The path to our service is through our own awakening. As we reconnect with who and what we truly are, we become aware of levels of being that transcend our limited, human capacities. We begin to realize we are here to bridge the worlds of spirit and matter. When we invite the vast energies of the Divine to pour into and through us, we discover we are capable of bestowing blessings and catalyzing evolutionary shifts. We come to know that we are here to be agents of grace. ࿐࿐࿐ Functioning as an agent of grace is not something that lies “out there” someplace in a distant future. We do not need to be “enlightened” or “spiritually advanced” to bring through the Divine to bless one another. Each of us is already a conduit of grace, although we may not have thought of ourselves in those terms. Our service might be simple and humble, or large and complex. What matters most is not the apparent scope of our contribution, but the manner in which we perform our service, and where it arises within ourselves. The sincere desire to make a difference in this world, along with the humility to take direction from the Divine and put our own personal will aside to serve the larger Whole, are primary qualifications for acting as agents of grace. Our heart-and-soul alignment is far more important than any spiritual pedigree we might think we require. After all, being a conduit of grace is not about doing; it is not about being more of anything. The most beautiful acts of service occur when we put ourselves aside so the Divine can come through us. Any of us is capable of this in any moment. Earlier in our own lives, our desire to serve found expression through, for example, sharing garden produce with neighbors, teaching children with special needs, volunteering at food co-ops, and working on community initiatives. While we derived a degree of satisfaction from these endeavors, we sensed more was possible. We did not know how to get from where we were to that eventuality, but we trusted that Life would bring us into our highest service if we continued to follow the inner promptings of our souls. When we were brought together in 1989, our service went to a new level, and became focalized on a specific contribution to the collective awakening. A journey we could never have planned or arranged led us into facilitating direct, conscious experiences of the soul realms. During these sessions, people accessed the divine magnificence at their core, which came forth to guide them through their challenges and provide answers to pressing questions. We taught hundreds of people how to consciously connect with and deepen their communion with the soul, oversoul and Source levels of being, and to go beyond the limits of identifying with the ego-mind. This phase of our journey is recounted in the first book in the Birthing the Luminous Self Trilogy, Soul Awakening: The Journey from Ego to Essence. After more than a decade of facilitating soul-awakenings, another level of possibility opened up. A multi-year journey revealed entirely new ways we could be utilized by the Divine to facilitate awakenings. As each new pathway unfolded, we shared all that we had been brought into with those who felt drawn to receive it. In the process, we realized ever more fully that we are all here to be agents of grace, bridges between spirit and matter who are here on Earth to spark one another into full remembrance of our essential divinity. Personal and planetary awakening is the evolutionary imperative at this time. Nothing else will enable us to transcend the innumerable crises we face and bring forth the Heaven on Earth we all deeply desire and know is possible. Our experiences left no doubt that the unprecedented levels of grace necessary to catalyze a collective awakening are now available to us all. This book offers an in-depth immersion in the gifts of grace we have been blessed to receive, along with guided inner experiences of each one, so that you can immediately begin to use them in your own life and share them with others. These gifts of grace bring us more deeply in touch with the sacredness that lives within us. As we awaken to who we really are, the inharmony, dis-ease and conflict born of forgetting our essential nature transform into the peace and joy of living from the true, eternal Self. Anchored in the soul and its larger domain, the oversoul and Source levels of being, we become capable of accessing and transmitting a myriad of “flavors of God” to those in need of divine grace. The Transmissions of Grace are three “flavors” of the Divine that we have found to be enormously helpful in the journey of awakening. They stimulate the conscious unfoldment of the three primary soul centers, an essential element in birthing the luminous Self. Once we have received and integrated the transmissions, they can easily and naturally be passed on, replacing the all-too-prevalent energetic climate of discord and dis-ease with an endlessly expanding atmosphere of “contagious ease.” Transmissions can be shared with the people and animals we love, and that is, perhaps, the most widespread way the Transmissions of Grace are passed on. As satisfying as this can be, though, we don’t need to stop there. We can, for instance, ask a transmission to fill a space that many others will pass through. Each soul will “drink” of the energies, taking in what is appropriate and helpful at that time. For instance, we might ask that a transmission fill an airplane that is experiencing turbulence, so that all within it can feel soothed and nurtured by the energies. In a workplace plagued by interpersonal conflict, we can invite a transmission to fill the space and soften the rough edges of ego that are contributing to the friction. The possibilities for using the transmissions in shared spaces are truly limitless. When we work with the transmissions in this way and observe the results over time, we become ever more confident that we are, in fact, capable of bringing through divine frequencies, and that our presence makes the world a more wonderful place. But even this is not the end of the story. The Transmissions of Grace and other ways of serving as a “secret agent for God” enable us to powerfully and effectively take part in the larger evolution of humanity and our planet herself. This book was written for those who are here on Earth at this time to be conscious agents of grace. Everything we know about functioning as an agent of grace has been poured into this volume to help this specific group of souls to step into their soul purpose and destiny. ࿐࿐࿐ The first section of Agents of Grace affirms that we are all already conduits of grace, and offers in-depth support for stepping into new ways to serve and to deepen our spiritual capacity as agents of grace. This section includes experiential processes that facilitate deepening communion with the soul, oversoul and Source levels of being, the fountains of grace available to us all. Usable, practical information on how to serve as an agent of grace in any situation is accompanied by a sequential, guided journey through the steps involved. Real-life stories describe a variety of everyday possibilities for serving as a divine conduit. This section concludes with the importance of discovering and manifesting our unique soul purpose and destiny, along with stories describing how this has occurred in our own lives. Part Two relates the inner and outer voyage that led us to the Transmissions of Grace. We were taken to India -- not once, but twice, for an immersion into the radical awakenings of enlightenment. This section of the book delivers a living transmission of the energy~consciousness of enlightenment through clear, potent teachings that activate the state of no-self through the de-clutching of the mind. We became aware that we have entered into a new time, an age of exponential grace in which the means to catalyze a worldwide awakening are here. As highly effective vehicles to enhance divine communion and awareness of the true Self, the Transmissions of Grace form the core of this book. The Transmissions of Grace assist those who are here to be agents of grace to realize and fulfill their soul purpose and destiny. These infusions of energy~consciousness awaken the three primary dimensions of the soul, an essential aspect of realizing the true, eternal Self. By the time you finish reading this book, you will be familiar with the qualities and attributes of each of these facets of your true nature. At the end of each chapter on a transmission, a guided inner experience of calling it in opens the door so that you can begin to work with the particular nature of that transmission and share it with others. When we receive and integrate the Transmissions of Grace, they immediately begin to flow through us, directly affecting not only our own well-being and that of friends and family, but also the world at large. When it seems that each day brings news of yet another catastrophic mass event, the transmissions offer us a way to express our love, compassion, and sense of oneness with our Earth Mother and our fellow beings the world over. We transcend ancient feelings of helplessness and hopelessness as we activate our ability to serve as divine conduits and literally bless the world with our presence and intention. As we each seek to make the most significant contribution we can to a world in the process of dying and being reborn, it is important to remember that virtually all personal and planetary crises have one central cause. Living under the trance that we are separate, physical beings, divorced from one other and the planet and the Divine, has brought us to the verge of extinction. Only when we reconnect with our true nature, rooted in the consciousness of unity with each other and all of life, will we be able create the Heaven on Earth we know is possible. Thus, there is no greater contribution we can make to assist humanity through the crises we face than awakening to the infinitely intelligent, loving and powerful Self that we already are. As we awaken, which can only occur through divine grace, we become able to access ever more profound realms of grace, which then flow through us to bless all we encounter. Coming to know ourselves as sacred aspects of the Infinite One, we become the fountains of grace that will restore this planet to the Garden it was always meant to be. During every age, awakened ones have come to Earth to lead us beyond the illusion, delusion and confusion of the egoic condition. They have shown us how to discover the wisdom, love, and peace that are our divine birthright. These souls offer living examples of the freedom and unity consciousness available to us all. Until recently, such beings have been relatively few, but now, all across the planet, a mass awakening is underway. Millions -- and perhaps soon, billions of souls in the human experience -- are realizing their true nature as facets of the Divine. It is time for each of us to step into the roles we were born to play in this collective awakening. Above all, this book is meant to assist you in making your unique contribution as an agent of grace. Nothing could be more important at this critical time on planet Earth. Beneath and beyond the words in this book, Agents of Grace carries a living transmission of grace intended to activate the dormant potentials within you. All you need to do is allow it to happen. Enjoy the journey! And may the words of a Serbian proverb guide your way: Be humble, for you are made of earth. Be noble, for you are made of stars.