Have you been on a spiritual path, yet do not feel deeply rooted in who you truly are?
Do "unfinished issues" seem to be in the way of your spiritual awakening?
Have you read a lot about the true Self, or soul,
but have not directly experienced
your core divine essence?
Do you sometimes feel discouraged and overwhelmed
by the unresolved traumas of the past?
Do you yearn to commune with Source
and rest more fully in the limitless ocean of the Divine?
Are you feeling compelled to more fully realize your true, divine nature NOW?
Have you been on a spiritual path, yet do not feel deeply rooted in who you truly are?
Do "unfinished issues" seem to be in the way of your spiritual awakening?
Have you read a lot about the true Self, or soul,
but have not directly experienced
your core divine essence?
Do you sometimes feel discouraged and overwhelmed
by the unresolved traumas of the past?
Do you yearn to commune with Source
and rest more fully in the limitless ocean of the Divine?
Are you feeling compelled to more fully realize your true, divine nature NOW?
The Shift From self to Self
The core of the spiritual journey is awakening to who we really are and consciously communing with the Divine in us.
This is the shift from perceiving ourselves as the egoic, human self, with its fears, limitations and self-judgments, to knowing we are a Luminous Self, with its limitless divine capacities and qualities.
The core of our work is directly experiencing your true, divine nature, and progressively embodying That.
Everything we offer — modules, private sessions, groups and teleconferences — is designed to support you in the all-important shift from believing you are a small, human self to knowing you are a vast, magnificent Self.
Why is this so important?
Awakening to the Self is "One-stop Shopping."

All that we seek "out there" already lies within us, waiting to be discovered.
The peace, joy, abundance, love, fulfillment, and freedom we yearn to experience are essential aspects of our true Self.
These and many more divine qualities and capacities naturally flower as we deepen communion with our true nature.
Problems, challenges, conflicts, and dis-ease multiply when we are not living from our essential Self.
Creating a deeply fulfilling life is not possible as long as we think we can do so by making changes “out there.”
So-called objective, "outer reality" is but a holographic projection of our inner state.
When we are asleep to who we really are, our inner fear, pain, and conflict inevitably manifest in our outer lives.
As we come to know that we are a vast, Luminous Self, not a small, limited human being, everything in our lives begins to rearrange to express our divine nature.
Ego-distortions give way to the coherence and harmony of the Self, which is rooted in the Divine.
Who we are becomes the answer to every question.
It is not an exaggeration to state that we are all awakening Buddhas, Krishnas, and Christs.
These and other Great Ones were not fundamentally different from us.
They simply demonstrated what lies within each of us, waiting to be discovered and expressed.
Buddha insisted, "All beings have Buddha nature."
Christ Jesus promised, "Greater works than these shall ye do."
This is our ultimate destiny as souls.
This is how personal and planetary heaven on earth unfolds.
Is This Work For You?

Our work propels you toward
the ultimate goal of human existence --
awakening to who you really are.
You will more and more fully experience
your true, eternal nature,
the Luminous Self that you are.
In the process,
you will learn how to more easily and quickly
release all that you are not.
Over time, you will progressively embody a wealth of spiritual capacities, including the abilities to:
Consciously commune with your divine, Luminous Self whenever you like
Embrace everything that arises as part of the path home to the Luminous Self
Access clear, insightful inner wisdom and guidance whenever questions arise
Embody the healing, awakening and transforming power of love
Access a deep well of imperturbable peace that you can always return to
Meet everyone you encounter with more love and acceptance and less judgment and separation
Transform the crises and conflicts of daily life into opportunities for awakening
Experience three powerful Transmissions of Grace, which activate the three soul centers and the three corresponding dimensions of awakening
Share the Transmissions of Grace with others, catalyzing their awakening -- and your own
Commune with the Oversoul and Source levels of consciousness
Access limitless Divine blessing~grace to resolve challenges and catalyze your awakening
Walk your unique path of awakening, guided by your own inner guru, your True Self

Awakening Is Not A Once-And-Done Experience
It is a progressive, ongoing process that unfolds over time.
What you receive from this work will exactly mirror your level of commitment to awakening.
If you approach this work with a deep consecration to awakening — if awakening is more important than anything else in life for you — you will experience the greatest benefits from everything we offer.
Powerful shifts typically occur during even one Luminous Self session.
But if you engage with this work as a cumulative process, you will find that momentum grows over time.
We offer Private Sessions, Modules and the Transmissions of Grace to facilitate and expedite your unique process of awakening. In addition, we offer a series of books, soul based astrology readings and a YouTube Channel.
We’ve been blessed with inner technologies of consciousness to help you master the two primary facets of awakening:
1) Moving through shadow material, ego-resistance, and all other forms of suffering
2) Knowing who you really are through communing with the divinity in the core of your being
Awakening to who we truly are is the whole point of human life — the goal that pulls us back to Earth, lifetime after lifetime.
There is nothing more important than this!
It is a progressive, ongoing process that unfolds over time.
What you receive from this work will exactly mirror your level of commitment to awakening.
If you approach this work with a deep consecration to awakening — if awakening is more important than anything else in life for you — you will experience the greatest benefits from everything we offer.
Powerful shifts typically occur during even one Luminous Self session.
But if you engage with this work as a cumulative process, you will find that momentum grows over time.
We offer Private Sessions, Modules and the Transmissions of Grace to facilitate and expedite your unique process of awakening. In addition, we offer a series of books, soul based astrology readings and a YouTube Channel.
We’ve been blessed with inner technologies of consciousness to help you master the two primary facets of awakening:
1) Moving through shadow material, ego-resistance, and all other forms of suffering
2) Knowing who you really are through communing with the divinity in the core of your being
Awakening to who we truly are is the whole point of human life — the goal that pulls us back to Earth, lifetime after lifetime.
There is nothing more important than this!
Why Work With Us?

Simply put, our presence catalyzes awakening.
For several decades, our lives have been dedicated to awakening.
Each of us has been blessed with many profound experiences of awakening.
As a result, we are able to directly induct others into powerful experiences of the multidimensional, Luminous Self.
Our state of consciousness functions like a tuning fork.
Since we primarily rest in the true Self, others easily enter into that space in consciousness in our presence.
Our journeys of awakening have included the vastest realms of light and the darkest depths of despair and hopelessness.
We’ve learned how to meet whatever arises with love and acceptance, and that, too, becomes easier for others in our presence.
Our balanced, integrated approach to awakening includes all levels and dimensions of being, from the highest super-conscious realms to the depths of the subconscious.
Decades of facilitating sessions enable us to hold a deep, vast, loving, and clear space in energy~consciousness.
This helps you to face and embrace the core patterns of your suffering and move through your “stuff” into greater Self-Realization.
We know what works.
We show you the easiest, most effective ways to move through the ego-resistance that arises on the way to the soul.

And the most important thing we want you to know is this:
The Universal Christ overlights our work.
During sessions, groups, and teleconferences,
the blessing~grace and Resurrecting Power of the Christ pour in to accomplish what no mere humans could ever bring about.
We also call upon many Ascended Masters and divine beings to help you move through your traumas and suffering and awaken.
We know that we are not the ones making things happen.
The Divine does everything through us.
And through you!
What Do People Say About Our Work?
“I am basking in the glow of my soul's peace. How can I ever thank you well enough for this profound gift you have given me?"
"I don't know of anyone else I could do this work with, who would be as non-judgmental and accepting of anything. You have an incredible facility in creating a safe, open space."
"You've given me the greatest gift -- there's a place beyond non-dual emptiness. I can be connected in my heart. There are no words for this softening...this tenderness...this grace."
"I know now there is a place within me I can always go to, a place that is always peaceful. I can find my answers there."
"I have developed a connectedness to myself and the universe. I now understand the void and can accept and be patient with it. I appreciate your experience, support, acceptance and unconditional love."
"Barry and Karen's sessions are vibrant aliveness; real time; nothing to remember; folks, there is no quiz afterwards! This is not a didactic, formulaic approach to transcendent consciousness. You don't engage in ‘Practices' for two years with the hope of getting somewhere. Barry and Karen quite simply embody pure sweet loving consciousness; it's like the way my puppy or my nana loves me. It defies explanation or description, it lives in the world beyond words, and [is] truly all you ever really wanted!"
"I never dreamed it would be so easy to connect with my soul and get my own guidance."
"Thank you for that wonderful and insightful, supportive and expansive session -- wow. I really felt that was a doorway to somewhere special."
"You've given me back to myself."
Does This Approach to Awakening Resonate?
If our approach sounds useful, we suggest that your first step be to set up a free, 20-minute consultation.
We’ll discuss where you are in your journey, and consider what your next steps might look like.
Together, we will determine the very best approach for you to access our work.
If setting up a consultation feels like too big a leap right now, we suggest choosing from among the following options:
Explore the wealth of information on this website
Read our first book, Soul Awakening
Listen to the free mp3 recording called “Opening to the Divine”
Set up a private session to focus on a current, pressing issue
Schedule a Soul-based Astrology reading that will shed light on
your life issues, challenges, gifts, and purposes
Read about Awakening the Luminous Self
Experience the first few Luminous Self Modules in the recommended sequence
At any point in your exploration, you are welcome to contact us for a complimentary 20-minute consultation.
A brief talk together will give us all a big-picture overview of your unique process of awakening.
It will clarify how our work can support your awakening, and help you to choose intelligently from among our offerings.
Reading our books will increase your understanding of what we offer and our approach to awakening.
Working with the Modules and experiencing a series of private sessions as needed, over time, will help you to develop the consciousness skills that will ease and expedite your awakening.
You are free to dive into our website, the Modules, and our books on your own, but you will probably get much more out of them after we talk together about your particular situation and determine some possible starting points.
Email us to set up a complimentary 20-minute consultation.