The old, soul-forgotten world is rapidly dying.
The New Earth is being born through soul-awakened beings.
Your true, Eternal Self contains the Light, the Love, and the Life of the Divine.
Connected with your soul, you know what you need to know in each moment.
You no longer feel confused and overwhelmed
by the endless swirl of conflicting information.
The truth is revealed on a need-to-know basis, from your innermost center.
As the pace of soul-evolution accelerates, living from our Heart of Hearts
becomes our most vital survival skill.
Wouldn't you rather thrive as a soul than get caught in the endless loops of the mind?
There is nothing wrong or broken about you.
Nothing to fix or change.
Everything you are looking for out there already lies within you.
Isn’t it time to come Home to That?
But how do we know we are in touch with the soul?
How can we tell the difference between the mind's ideas
and the "still, small voice" of the innermost Self?
How can we rest more deeply in the peace and stillness of the soul --
even while the cacophony of the world seems to be ratcheting up by the hour?
For over 30 years, our greatest joy has been facilitating the shift from self to Self.
We love nothing more than helping people to come Home to who they truly are.
In the sacred space of the True Self, all questions find their answers.
The Way through life is revealed, step by step.
Joy replaces "shoulds" and suffering.
During a free, 20-minute talk, we can explore whether our work is a good fit for you.
We invite you to join us to deepen and expand into who you really are!
Love and blessings,
Barry and Karen
The old, soul-forgotten world is rapidly dying.
The New Earth is being born through soul-awakened beings.
Your true, Eternal Self contains the Light, the Love, and the Life of the Divine.
Connected with your soul, you know what you need to know in each moment.
You no longer feel confused and overwhelmed
by the endless swirl of conflicting information.
The truth is revealed on a need-to-know basis, from your innermost center.
As the pace of soul-evolution accelerates, living from our Heart of Hearts
becomes our most vital survival skill.
Wouldn't you rather thrive as a soul than get caught in the endless loops of the mind?
There is nothing wrong or broken about you.
Nothing to fix or change.
Everything you are looking for out there already lies within you.
Isn’t it time to come Home to That?
But how do we know we are in touch with the soul?
How can we tell the difference between the mind's ideas
and the "still, small voice" of the innermost Self?
How can we rest more deeply in the peace and stillness of the soul --
even while the cacophony of the world seems to be ratcheting up by the hour?
For over 30 years, our greatest joy has been facilitating the shift from self to Self.
We love nothing more than helping people to come Home to who they truly are.
In the sacred space of the True Self, all questions find their answers.
The Way through life is revealed, step by step.
Joy replaces "shoulds" and suffering.
During a free, 20-minute talk, we can explore whether our work is a good fit for you.
We invite you to join us to deepen and expand into who you really are!
Love and blessings,
Barry and Karen
The Call to Awaken
Awakening to who we really are is the next step in human soul evolution.
Everything is conspiring to help us awaken to our true, eternal Self.
And the next step in the process starts right where we find ourselves.
Inside and out, big changes are happening.
The soul-forgotten world we’ve known is dying.
Each of us is experiencing this in our own unique ways.
Things that used to be workable parts of our life aren’t working anymore.
Millions of us are leaving our jobs, finding them unfulfilling and lacking in meaning.
Relationships that used to work now seem fraught with conflict and separation.
Some of us struggle to meet our basic human needs, while others have far more than they can ever use.
Stress and anxiety are at an all-time high.
Unfinished business, old traumas, and emotional wounds are arising to be faced and embraced.
Something inside tells us we don’t need to keep living in pain and suffering.
So much more is possible.
This is the voice of the soul, calling us to a whole new dimension of being.
As the old world dies, a whole new world is being born.
A divine, luminous world co-created by soul-awakened beings.
Glimpses of the Soul

This may seem hard to imagine as we look at the state of our own lives, and that of the planet.
A divine, luminous world may seem far from our everyday experience of life.
Yet we’ve all experienced glimpses of the true Self, the Soul.
We’ve all tasted life as we know it can be.
Every one of us has known moments of deep peace.
Who hasn’t looked into the eyes of a baby and felt awe at the Something Beyond that shines through?
In the midst of challenges, a mysterious knowing has told us everything would be OK, even as we had no idea how that could be true.
Have you ever found yourself in the right place at the perfect time to make a difference in someone’s life?
You knew, without knowing how you knew, that the Divine was using you for good.
How can we have more and more moments like these, filled with the love, peace, and joy that are our true nature?
Why don’t we experience these moments all the time, as a way of life?
Releasing the Veils of Soul-Amnesia

Throughout our many lifetimes, we’ve been in a state of soul-amnesia.
As a result, layers of veiling have hidden the luminosity of our true Self:
Unfelt emotions
Limiting beliefs systems
Harsh judgments
Traumatic memories
Confusing illusions about ourselves and the world
We've unconsciously believed that these are the truth about us and life.
Like clouds covering the sun, these veils obscure the light that shines in our core.
But God and your true Self, which are one, are always attempting to wake you back up.
They want nothing more than to help us remember and experience the truth of who we are.
When we become conscious of the veils of what we are not, they begin to dissipate.
As the veils fall away, we automatically experience more of the light, love, and life of the true, Luminous Self.
These and other divine qualities and capacities are the truth of our nature.
As we embody them more fully, our outer lives change to reflect our increasing inner coherence.
Our inner state manifests in our outer experience.
As more and more of us awaken, we find ourselves co-creating the Luminous World we have always known was possible.
Throughout our many lifetimes, we’ve been in a state of soul-amnesia.
As a result, layers of veiling have hidden the luminosity of our true Self:
Unfelt emotions
Limiting beliefs systems
Harsh judgments
Traumatic memories
Confusing illusions about ourselves and the world
We've unconsciously believed that these are the truth about us and life.
Like clouds covering the sun, these veils obscure the light that shines in our core.
But God and your true Self, which are one, are always attempting to wake you back up.
They want nothing more than to help us remember and experience the truth of who we are.
When we become conscious of the veils of what we are not, they begin to dissipate.
As the veils fall away, we automatically experience more of the light, love, and life of the true, Luminous Self.
These and other divine qualities and capacities are the truth of our nature.
As we embody them more fully, our outer lives change to reflect our increasing inner coherence.
Our inner state manifests in our outer experience.
As more and more of us awaken, we find ourselves co-creating the Luminous World we have always known was possible.
How Does Awakening Happen?

It starts right where you are in this moment.
The journey begins in the midst of the suffering and trauma, the conflict and fear, you may be experiencing.
The “stuff” you desperately want to get beyond.
We don’t need to be afraid of all of this.
We don’t need to run from it or try to rise above it.
As it turns out, our “stuff” is not IN the way — it IS the Way to our true, eternal Self.
And we don’t even have to know how to get there from here.
We can turn our journey of awakening over to God and our true, divine Self.
Like little children, we can say, “I have no idea how all of this can carry me toward who I really am.
But I know You do.
So I am turning it all over to You.
God, True Self, guide me — show me the Way.”
This is key to awakening.
The minute we surrender to God and our true Self, what seems like magic begins to happen.
We are now on the fast track to reunion with the Luminous, Divine Self at our core.
The Essence of our Work

This is exactly what takes place in the sessions we facilitate.
We start right where you are with whatever is going on.
That might include:
Old trauma and pain surfacing
Feeling overwhelmed by emotions like fear, guilt, shame, anger
Not knowing what to do next with a troubling life situation
Feeling hopeless and despairing about the state of the world
Wanting a deeper connection with your True Self
Knowing that more is possible in your life, yet having no idea how to get from where you are to that new place
Everything inside of us may want to get rid of the pain or get away from it as fast as possible.
But this only deepens our suffering.
As an old saying goes, what we resist, persists.
Instead, we can reframe whatever is present.
What if it were not a roadblock, but a doorway?
When we step through that portal, we are taken on a journey guided by the True Self.
It knows the fastest, easiest way Home to your Soul.
The journey peels away the veils hiding who and what you really are.
You drop into what has always been there — the luminous reality at your core.
What you always are and always have been, which is everything you have been seeking.
the peace
the joy
the freedom
the stillness
the light
the love…
all of which are your true, eternal nature.
Every time we experience this shift, we remember we are not our “stuff.”
None of it is the truth about who we are.
It is such a relief to discover this.
Not because of something we’ve heard or read.
But as a result of our own direct, living experience.
,What could be more precious and meaningful than that?
The most important thing we want you to know is this:

The Divine Source and the Universal Christ overlight our work.
Divine blessing~grace and the Resurrecting Power of the Christ pour in to accomplish what no mere humans could ever bring about.
We do not "do" sessions with people.
We know that we are not the ones making things happen.
The Divine does everything through us, when we join with that intention and consecration.
This expedites your process of awakening in ways that are infinitely beyond what any of us could do on our own.
As Divine Grace pours in, the illusory layers of who you are not fall away, and you experience more and more of who and what you truly are.
Does This Approach to Awakening Resonate?
If our approach sounds useful, we suggest that your first step be to set up a free, 20-minute consultation.
We’ll discuss where you are in your journey, and consider what your next steps might look like.
Together, we will determine the very best approach for you to access our work.
If setting up a consultation feels like too big a leap right now, we suggest investigating the following options:
Explore the wealth of information on this website
Read our first book, Soul Awakening
Listen to the free mp3 recording called “Opening to the Divine”
Set up a private session to focus on a current, pressing issue
Schedule a Soul-based Astrology reading that will shed light on
your life issues, challenges, gifts, and purposes
Read about Awakening the Luminous Self
Experience the first few Luminous Self Modules in the recommended sequence
At any point in your exploration, you are welcome to contact us for a complimentary 20-minute consultation.
A brief talk together will give us all a big-picture overview of your unique process of awakening.
It will clarify how our work can support your awakening, and help you to choose intelligently from among our offerings.
Reading our books will increase your understanding of what we offer and our approach to awakening.
Working with the Modules and experiencing a series of private sessions as needed, over time, will help you to develop the consciousness skills that will ease and expedite your awakening.
You are free to dive into our website, the Modules, and our books on your own, but you will probably get much more out of them after we talk together about your particular situation and determine some possible starting points.
Email us to set up a complimentary 20-minute consultation.