Welcome to Birthing the Luminous Self
We are each a True, Eternal Self...always, already holy, pure, perfect and Divine!
The only "problem" or issue is that we are in amnesia of this.
We believe we a limited, imperfect, dis-eased, mortal human self.
As we begin to awaken our true Self expands outward from our divine core, surfacing all the layers of our false self sense/identity so that they can be experienced and released thus revealing our true, luminous nature.
All the "stuff" that surfaces in our spiritual journey, then, is really the sloughing off of the veils hiding
the perfect, divine being we really are.
Thus there is no reason to deny, suppress, try to escape or even get rid of our shadow "stuff".
Our crises, fears, dis-ease and emotional wounds
are not IN the way -- they ARE the Way Home.
Our "issues" are doorways to realizing our oneness with God and our true, divine Self.
Embracing whatever is present with Love and surrendering it
to the infinitely expanded energy~consciousness and power of our Higher Self and God/One/All that is
allows the "darkness" alchemically transform
into the light of our true nature.
This is the path of Surrender and Grace!
This is how we birth the Luminous Self!
Our Passion and Joy lies in assisting you in gaining greater capacity and skillfulness to make the inner journey into communion with your luminous, divine Self.
Through divine blessing grace this is journey can be greatly expedited.