Realizing the True, Eternal Self
Deep within each of us is the embryonic potential, the God-spark in the Lotus of the Soul, just above the heart, waiting to be fully realized and embodied through our human self. The essence of the spiritual journey is the process of awakening to, achieving communion with and embodying our vast, transcendental levels of being, the Oversoul and Source or I AM Presence. As this occurs, the small flame in the center of our being becomes a roaring conflagration of divine, transforming fire, emanating the presence of God with all its divine qualities, characteristics, capacities and attributes.
As the Oversoul and Source Levels of being descend into our Soul Lotus, and unfold and emanate throughout our being, our chakras and subtle bodies, our cells, molecules, atoms and DNA are alchemically transformed into an expression of the One. The I AM Presence unfolds from the Lotus of our Soul, and the Three Dimensions of the Soul's nature are awakened in the three soul centers -- head, heart and belly. This results in a progressive, integral realization which includes En-Light-enment, God-Realization or En-Love-enment, and the divinization of the human soul or En-Life-enment.) We know that we are meant to be joyful, alive, abundant, peaceful, creative, powerful, wise and loving. Why don't we experience that? Why do we experience so much fear, suffering, chaos and conflict? We sense this is simply not natural to who we really are. This awareness causes us to seek. We perceive that something is missing -- that so much more is possible for ourselves and our lives. And we are right! We might not know how to language what we are seeking, but in essence, we miss our true, eternal Self. While the physical world is meant to be a place in which we can enjoy life, it is not where we find what will ultimately free us of our suffering and bring us into the experience of Self and life we know is possible. We will never succeed in creating a deeply fulfilling life as long as we believe that will happen by making changes “out there.” Our outer world is but a holographic projection of our inner state. When we carry fear, pain, and conflict, our lives will manifest these distortions. Likewise, when we realize the inherent divine qualities of our true nature, our lives become an increasing experience of heaven on earth. Most importantly, we become an incarnation of Divine Love. Only through awakening to who we really are will we see the world of our dreams come into being, individually and collectively. Step by step we make the spiritual journey, as the inner path carries us ever deeper into our soul. Along the way, we encounter the shadow material that has veiled the light in our core. Just as we must not let the gargoyles and demons at the gates of a temple to deter us from entering, we learn to welcome all that we meet along the way to our innermost Home. As we go deeper we also go higher. Opening to the vast, transcendental realms invites their expanded frequencies to descend into our being, bringing the divine presence and consciousness into our humanness. As the light descends into the depths of our subconscious and lower chakras, it dredges to the surface all that is unlike itself to be faced, embraced and transformed into divine expression. Try as we might, there is no way to avoid the process of facing, embracing and transforming the shadow. It is central to the journey of awakening. Truly, our "stuff" is not IN the way, it IS the Way.” As we continuously die to our limited self sense, the process of facing all that we are not progressively reveals who and what we truly are. We come to know that each of us is a luminous, divine human, as has been demonstrated by the many great ones who have gone before, including Buddha, Lao Tzu, Zoroaster and Christ Jesus. In this time of the Second Coming, the luminous presence of the Christ -- the fully enlightened, God-realized state -- will manifest through the human self of more and more beings. A most significant milestone in the spiritual journey is the moment we come into conscious communion with the living, Individualized Flame, the Presence of God in the Lotus of the Soul. At this point we are essentially home, in communion with our true, eternal Self, even though it will take time for our true nature to be fully embodied. The reason communing with the true, eternal Self is so important is that now we know, based upon our own direct experience, that God lives in us as our true nature. The spell of separation and limitation is broken, even though it has not yet totally dissipated. The elusive goal of our spiritual quest is no longer a mystery. We know what we are looking for and where to find it. The soul's inner signature of energy~consciousness has been engraved in our consciousness. This awareness rapidly erodes the remaining veils to volitional, conscious union. Once communion with the true, eternal Self has been experienced, the ongoing spiritual journey is devoted to deepening communion, continuing to ascend into higher octaves of the superconscious, transcendent levels of being, and inviting these vast levels into embodiment. Consciousness continuously expands and deepens; our true, divine nature emerges and its inherent qualities, characteristics and capacities unfold. WHAT YOU WILL EXPERIENCE IN THE LUMINOUS SELF AWAKENING PROCESS Here’s a summary of the approach we have been given to share through our session and group work, which are both accessible by phone or Skype. 1) Direct activation of the Divine Flame Presence in the Soul Lotus through grace There is no more direct way to catalyze conscious communion than to activate and awaken the I AM in the core of being through grace and direct induction. We have been given the ability to enter into deep states of divine union during sessions and groups, and then energetically enfold those we are facilitating in the holographic field this creates. Like two tuning forks on the same frequency, the I AM Presence in the Soul Lotus begins to resonate and unfold through cross-resonance. The divine presence then begins to expand outward, permeating the layers of ego resistance and shadow material so it can be directly perceived. As the induction into the divine core of being occurs, a permanent activation takes place. A seed is planted that continues to sprout. We work with the Office of the Christ and and are overlit with the blessing grace~light of the Christ, Mary and other ascended beings. The infinite transformative~awakening power of these beings is at the core of this work. 2) Expanding and enhancing your capacity to make the inner journey The process we share creates inner alignments and imparts technologies of consciousness that open the doors to the soul. Our work together assists you to develop the capacity to be present with the shadow material that arises during the journey into the Soul Lotus. You will learn to fully experience whatever arises and then turn it over to God, your Higher Self and the Divine Beings you work with. 3) Transforming the shadow self into a living soul expression Our heightened presence provides a container for your process, an expanded, higher-vibrational energy~consciousness field that transcends the unconscious trance states of the separative ego that keep us “asleep” and in bondage. This is the means by which the deepest, most entrenched ego/shadow patterns are resolved. Our decades of experience in being shown the way through all types of challenges during sessions have taught us that even the most intensely painful issues and traumas can be resurrected. In these moments we remind ourselves that "This, too, can be resurrected." 4) Gaining mastery In transforming the shadow As we work together over time through a series of sessions, you automatically learn the inner skills and consciousness technologies that build increasing mastery in facing, embracing and transforming shadow material. Initially, our assistance will help you to get through some of the tougher, more entrenched issues. Ultimately, the goal is for you to become skilled and sovereign in being present with your own inner process. 5) Activating Conscious Communion with Transcendent Levels of Being It is through the grace of your Higher Self/Oversoul and Source that you achieve Self-realization. These superconscious levels of being are the ultimate guru that knows everything about you, including your core wounds and primary ego blocks, and knows exactly how to navigate you through them to your divine core. The higher- vibrational, superconscious presence of your Oversoul provides the penetrating illumination to dissolve the veils of ego and shadow. As you commune with your Oversoul and Source Presence, they descend and merge with your embodied soul essence. The soul realizes its oneness with them, which is the essence of Self-realization. We assist you in opening up the connection to your transcendent, Oversoul and Source or I AM Presence levels of being and impart the inner practices so you can continue to do so on your own. 6) Activating the Three Dimensions of the Soul The Birth of the Luminous or Christed Self involves the awakening of three dimensions of being, focalized through three soul centers. As the Soul Lotus opens and the true, divine Self begins to emanate and infuse your being three soul centers are activated and awakened. Each of these unfolds one of the three dimensions of our true nature. There is a soul center in the head, called the Cave of Brahman which is the focus of the light of the transcendent levels of being and consciousness, the “Father” or Source levels. The paths that focus on realizing this soul center and dimension of the Self are those dedicated to Enlightenment. The second soul center is slightly less deep than the Soul Lotus and is called the Heart Soul Center, Spiritual Heart, Heart of the Soul or Cave of the Heart in various traditions. As this dimension of being is unfolded we realize our true nature as individuated aspects the One, Son/Daughter in the triune model, whose truest nature is Love. A few inches below the navel deeper than the navel chakra is the belly soul center, also known as the hara or tan tien. Unfolding this dimension of being results in conscious union with the divine feminine, Goddess/Mother aspect, and Oneness with all Life at a manifest level. 7) Blessing Grace of the Christ Our work and our lives are overlight by the Universal Christ, Christ Jesus and various ascended beings. The blessing grace of these divine presences is of enormous assistance in expediting your journey of awakening and Self Realization. To dive into this more deeply check out the Blessing Grace of the Christ section. 8) Evolutionary Counseling and Support Beyond all that is mentioned above is the assistance provided by someone who has made the journey into communion with the Divine Self and has assisted others to do so. The inner journey is akin to finding ones’ way through a multidimensional labyrinth. There are many egoic barriers and cul-de-sacs, as well as psycho-emotional storms and sinkholes, to encounter on the way. It can save enormous amounts of time, effort and suffering to have someone who can help us stay on track. We offer a relationship committed to assisting in any way that will support the birthing of your luminous divine Self. |