I started to read a book last night about the Rapture, and as I did I could feel it stirring up some things deep down within about the nature and importance of my relationship with Christ. This morning while doing yoga I became aware that I have been holding back, not revealing some of the deeper parts of myself to all of you. It's time to do so, not just to align more deeply with myself, but also because I feel what I have experienced could be very important to you.
The reason that I have held back and not been totally transparent about my relationship with Christ, has been the subconscious fear that I would be rejected and labeled by many whom I might otherwise be able to assist. Even though we have written an entire book on the subject, "We Are the Awakening Christ", I still feel the parts of me that I haven't allowed to come forth really freely.
I sit here contemplating what to say next, my concern is always that what I'm about to say will trigger very deep unconscious mental blocks and resistances that I have experienced very frequently when I mention the Christ to others. I completely understand why so many immediately recoil when they hear the word Christ. Who hasn't been told they were going to go to hell if they didn't accept Jesus Christ as their Savior? Who hasn't recoiled at some of the darker aspects of Christianity and its legacy of judgment, cruelty and suppression. I completely understand. I find those things also abhorrent. But all that has nothing to do with the Christ that I know and love and my direct personal experience with the being Jesus and the Universal Christ Presence which he is the prime focus for this planet.
I got away from Christianity as fast as I could as an adolescent. I found the church we attended devoid of spirit. It seemed then and still does, that many who call themselves Christians are not modeling the kinds of things that Christ Jesus, taught such as love, compassion and forgiveness. When I began to take to wake up more than four decades ago my spiritual path took me on a New Age~Eastern journey, leading ultimately to my sat guru, Mahavatar Babaji in India. Through Babaji and the teachings and presence of Adi Da Samraj, my kundalini awakened, resulting in the direct experience of the living presence of God as my deepest trust nature.