Awakening the Luminous Self
All pain and suffering comes from going to sleep to who we really are.
The joy, happiness, love and all else we seek
blossom as we awaken to and live as our true, Luminous Self.

Our divine, eternal Self is always living within us, in the core of our being, awaiting our re-discovery. There, the spiritual presence or drop in the ocean of God that we are forms our essential nature. Everything we seek is contained within this Divine Presence. This is why experiencing conscious communion with our innermost divinity is the central goal on the spiritual path. We become a Self- or God-Realized being as we merge with the divinity in the core of our soul and progressively embody all aspects of the vast, multidimensional divine beingness that we are.
The path home to realizing we are a Luminous Self begins with the awareness that we are suffering. We look in the mirror and know there is so much more to who we are than what we see there. We look out upon our life and sense far more is possible than what we have ever experienced. We look within and intuit something is missing. We are plagued by tormenting thoughts and feelings, and feel uncomfortable in our bodies. We long to experience happiness, love and peace, but don’t know how to get there from where we are.
The awareness that we are suffering launches us on the spiritual path. With no clear goal in sight, we try this and that, seeking to reduce our pain and find that elusive sense of peace and fulfillment we have heard about. Much of the time, we feel lost and unsure how to proceed. Sooner or later, we realize we need help. We have no idea how to find our way home on our own. This leads us to the first and most important step on the spiritual path — realizing we need to turn to a Higher Power to show us the way home. Gradually or all at once, we turn our life and our spiritual journey over to the Divine, in whatever form we feel drawn to.
Now, our journey turns inward, away from the sensory pleasures of the outer world and toward the inner realms of the soul. The next step in the journey has begun — the passage from the domain of the human being, with its ego/personality self sense, into the realms of the soul.
But our journey inward is often interrupted by the incessant thoughts, worries, and judgments of the ego-mind. This is the primary filter through which we experience and function in the world. We have made the mind the CEO in our lives, and have relied on it for just about everything. Yet the ego-mind cannot help us to go where we are called to venture now. So, the next step in the journey home is to learn how to pass through and beyond the noise, confusion and distraction of the ego-mind.
Most of us were schooled to accept Descartes’ famous dictum as truth: I think, therefore I am. How can we disengage from the mind, when it seems to be at the center of who we are? The key is to step back and witness our thoughts as separate from ourselves; to remember that we are not the contents of our mind. As we observe the mind in action, we begin to glimpse the space between the thoughts — the “gap” that lets us slip through into the inner sanctum of the soul.
Learning to dis-identify with our thoughts, we give them less energy and the mind quiets. Now, we travel deeper within to the outer reaches of the soul’s abode, where the true Self and the human personality are intertwined. Here we encounter the next doorway: the body-sensations and emotions we have suppressed and denied. These layers of who we are not have been called the shadow self. Facing, embracing and passing through these veils is the next essential skill we must master if we are to enter the inner soul realms.
The path home to realizing we are a Luminous Self begins with the awareness that we are suffering. We look in the mirror and know there is so much more to who we are than what we see there. We look out upon our life and sense far more is possible than what we have ever experienced. We look within and intuit something is missing. We are plagued by tormenting thoughts and feelings, and feel uncomfortable in our bodies. We long to experience happiness, love and peace, but don’t know how to get there from where we are.
The awareness that we are suffering launches us on the spiritual path. With no clear goal in sight, we try this and that, seeking to reduce our pain and find that elusive sense of peace and fulfillment we have heard about. Much of the time, we feel lost and unsure how to proceed. Sooner or later, we realize we need help. We have no idea how to find our way home on our own. This leads us to the first and most important step on the spiritual path — realizing we need to turn to a Higher Power to show us the way home. Gradually or all at once, we turn our life and our spiritual journey over to the Divine, in whatever form we feel drawn to.
Now, our journey turns inward, away from the sensory pleasures of the outer world and toward the inner realms of the soul. The next step in the journey has begun — the passage from the domain of the human being, with its ego/personality self sense, into the realms of the soul.
But our journey inward is often interrupted by the incessant thoughts, worries, and judgments of the ego-mind. This is the primary filter through which we experience and function in the world. We have made the mind the CEO in our lives, and have relied on it for just about everything. Yet the ego-mind cannot help us to go where we are called to venture now. So, the next step in the journey home is to learn how to pass through and beyond the noise, confusion and distraction of the ego-mind.
Most of us were schooled to accept Descartes’ famous dictum as truth: I think, therefore I am. How can we disengage from the mind, when it seems to be at the center of who we are? The key is to step back and witness our thoughts as separate from ourselves; to remember that we are not the contents of our mind. As we observe the mind in action, we begin to glimpse the space between the thoughts — the “gap” that lets us slip through into the inner sanctum of the soul.
Learning to dis-identify with our thoughts, we give them less energy and the mind quiets. Now, we travel deeper within to the outer reaches of the soul’s abode, where the true Self and the human personality are intertwined. Here we encounter the next doorway: the body-sensations and emotions we have suppressed and denied. These layers of who we are not have been called the shadow self. Facing, embracing and passing through these veils is the next essential skill we must master if we are to enter the inner soul realms.

As veils of thought, feeling and sensation fall away, we begin to taste the peace and stillness of the soul’s true, divine nature. The wisdom of the higher mind and our latent psychic senses begin to come forth as we travel deeper toward the locus of the Divine within the Lotus of the Soul. This is the most important step and the central focus of the entire journey. When we enter the holy of holies, the altar of our being in the Soul Lotus, we directly experience the individuated presence of God that we are, the I AM that I AM.
Now, we can no longer deny that we are a spark of the One, a divine being in a human incarnation. We know ourselves to be an eternal soul, not a human being subject to limitation and death. In light of this awareness, the false, human self sense begins to rapidly dissolve. While the path does not end here, this is the most important realization in the spiritual journey.
As consciousness merges with the Divine in the Soul Lotus, it expands up into the superconscious, transcendental realms of the Higher Self or Oversoul. During this next stage in the journey, we realize that aspect of our multidimensional beingness that never comes into embodiment, and is always in communion with Source. We experience our embodied soul as but a projection or extension of the vaster, Higher Self. Ever more expanded levels of the higher mind open, and spiritual light and presence pour down into our human soul, illumining it. We access far more than the 1000 watts of spiritual light, power and consciousness of the soul, as we open to the million watts of the Oversoul.
As the light of the oversoul realms descends into our human soul, the illumined superconsciousness also penetrates the darkest corners of the subconscious realms. Long-buried traumas and core wounding patterns, along with their associated emotions, beliefs, judgments, and identity patterns, surface so they may be faced, embraced and released. This is how the Oversoul’s energy and consciousness clear the veils over the light of our luminous, core nature, allowing us to embody ever more of its vastness.
The process of ascent continues up the vertical axis of our multidimensional being, until we come into communion with the source of the individuated spark of God in the Soul Lotus, the I AM Presence which eternally resides within the Godhead. Communing with Source Presence, we bask in billions of watts of spiritual power, which naturally descends into the human soul to be ever more fully embodied. This supernal light penetrates even deeper into the subconscious realms, eventually dissolving all human self sense. This is often called the death of the self, or ego-death.
The conveyor belt of the Figure 8 of Soul Evolution unceasingly carries us up and out and then down and in. With each ascent and descent, the Soul Lotus blossoms more magnificently. All of our experiences of both the “lower” and “higher” realms become part of the rich tapestry of being in our soulspace.
Now, we can no longer deny that we are a spark of the One, a divine being in a human incarnation. We know ourselves to be an eternal soul, not a human being subject to limitation and death. In light of this awareness, the false, human self sense begins to rapidly dissolve. While the path does not end here, this is the most important realization in the spiritual journey.
As consciousness merges with the Divine in the Soul Lotus, it expands up into the superconscious, transcendental realms of the Higher Self or Oversoul. During this next stage in the journey, we realize that aspect of our multidimensional beingness that never comes into embodiment, and is always in communion with Source. We experience our embodied soul as but a projection or extension of the vaster, Higher Self. Ever more expanded levels of the higher mind open, and spiritual light and presence pour down into our human soul, illumining it. We access far more than the 1000 watts of spiritual light, power and consciousness of the soul, as we open to the million watts of the Oversoul.
As the light of the oversoul realms descends into our human soul, the illumined superconsciousness also penetrates the darkest corners of the subconscious realms. Long-buried traumas and core wounding patterns, along with their associated emotions, beliefs, judgments, and identity patterns, surface so they may be faced, embraced and released. This is how the Oversoul’s energy and consciousness clear the veils over the light of our luminous, core nature, allowing us to embody ever more of its vastness.
The process of ascent continues up the vertical axis of our multidimensional being, until we come into communion with the source of the individuated spark of God in the Soul Lotus, the I AM Presence which eternally resides within the Godhead. Communing with Source Presence, we bask in billions of watts of spiritual power, which naturally descends into the human soul to be ever more fully embodied. This supernal light penetrates even deeper into the subconscious realms, eventually dissolving all human self sense. This is often called the death of the self, or ego-death.
The conveyor belt of the Figure 8 of Soul Evolution unceasingly carries us up and out and then down and in. With each ascent and descent, the Soul Lotus blossoms more magnificently. All of our experiences of both the “lower” and “higher” realms become part of the rich tapestry of being in our soulspace.

The three essential aspects of the soul’s divinity also begin to unfold through the three soul centers deep within the head, heart and belly. A fully integrated awakening or Self-Realization includes all three primary dimensions of God’s nature — Light, Love and Life. These are synonymous with the Holy Triune nature of the One.
The three soul centers are found in the head, heart, and belly. The Cave of Brahman in the head soul center is where we experience illumination or enlightenment. In the heart soul center or Cave of the Heart, we experience our soul’s core nature as love. Within the belly soul center or hara, we deepen into our unity with the exquisite life intelligence that infuses all of creation.
To be fully realized as a Luminous Self is to experience En-Lightenment, En-Lovenment and En-Lifenment. These three aspects of the One flower as the divine, radiant Self ever more fully expresses through the human personality.
The journey of awakening encompasses several primary shifts in how we identify ourselves. Before awakening begins, we believe we are a small, human being, caught within a web of limitation and illusion. We are identified with the ego-personality self sense and only rarely experience the true Self. As we awaken, our experiences of the true, eternal Self catapult us into knowing ourselves as a divine soul in embodiment. Through directly experiencing the magnificence at our core, we begin to identify as a soul, and less and less often get caught up in the ego-realms.
As awakening progresses, consciousness expands into the multidimensional realms of the Oversoul or Higher Self. Now, the focus of our identity shifts again, resting ever more fully in the Higher Self, rather than the human self or even the soul. Ultimately, as the journey of awakening reaches completion, we realize we are one with All That Is, and all lesser identities fall away as we are reabsorbed into the totality of That.
Christ Jesus, also called Yeshua, demonstrated that he was the Godhead incarnate, as he transcended all apparent limitations of human embodiment, including death, and ascended beyond the human realms. This is where the journey ends for each of us — sometime, in some embodiment. Until that day arrives, we can examine ourselves to determine what really matters to us in this life. Is spiritual awakening near or at the top of the list? Or do earthly concerns still seem more important?
Be honest with yourself and love yourself, no matter what. We are all in the process of awakening, and your next step lies just beyond the place where you now find yourself standing. Our greatest joy is to walk alongside awakening souls and share what we’ve learned to make the process easier and more effortless. If at any time you feel a prompting to contact us, we will happily listen to where you are and share whatever arises in response during a free, 20-minute consultation.
Namaste — we honor the light that shines within you!
The three soul centers are found in the head, heart, and belly. The Cave of Brahman in the head soul center is where we experience illumination or enlightenment. In the heart soul center or Cave of the Heart, we experience our soul’s core nature as love. Within the belly soul center or hara, we deepen into our unity with the exquisite life intelligence that infuses all of creation.
To be fully realized as a Luminous Self is to experience En-Lightenment, En-Lovenment and En-Lifenment. These three aspects of the One flower as the divine, radiant Self ever more fully expresses through the human personality.
The journey of awakening encompasses several primary shifts in how we identify ourselves. Before awakening begins, we believe we are a small, human being, caught within a web of limitation and illusion. We are identified with the ego-personality self sense and only rarely experience the true Self. As we awaken, our experiences of the true, eternal Self catapult us into knowing ourselves as a divine soul in embodiment. Through directly experiencing the magnificence at our core, we begin to identify as a soul, and less and less often get caught up in the ego-realms.
As awakening progresses, consciousness expands into the multidimensional realms of the Oversoul or Higher Self. Now, the focus of our identity shifts again, resting ever more fully in the Higher Self, rather than the human self or even the soul. Ultimately, as the journey of awakening reaches completion, we realize we are one with All That Is, and all lesser identities fall away as we are reabsorbed into the totality of That.
Christ Jesus, also called Yeshua, demonstrated that he was the Godhead incarnate, as he transcended all apparent limitations of human embodiment, including death, and ascended beyond the human realms. This is where the journey ends for each of us — sometime, in some embodiment. Until that day arrives, we can examine ourselves to determine what really matters to us in this life. Is spiritual awakening near or at the top of the list? Or do earthly concerns still seem more important?
Be honest with yourself and love yourself, no matter what. We are all in the process of awakening, and your next step lies just beyond the place where you now find yourself standing. Our greatest joy is to walk alongside awakening souls and share what we’ve learned to make the process easier and more effortless. If at any time you feel a prompting to contact us, we will happily listen to where you are and share whatever arises in response during a free, 20-minute consultation.
Namaste — we honor the light that shines within you!