The shift we've known was coming is here.
A massive, planetary evolutionary process is accelerating
with each new day.
You are an integral part of it.
It's time to awaken and fulfill your soul purpose and destiny.
It's time to remember who you really are --
a Luminous, Divine Soul!
We are radiant beings of light.
There is nothing to fix, nothing to change,
and nothing we need to become.
We simply need to remove the “overcoats” of who we are not
that hide the light of the eternal, Divine Self
that we truly are.
“Overcoats” can include:
Unhealed trauma
Limiting beliefs and judgments
Painful emotions
Illusory, egoic identities
Unresolved issues and dilemmas
Tangled relationship dynamics
Deep-seated fears
Stuck, painful energy in the body
We offer deep, vast inner work to support evolving souls.
Our in-depth, twofold approach to awakening focuses on:
❈ Removing the overcoats of suffering that hide our true nature
❈ Living as the Light, Love and Life
of the Luminous Self that you are
This work gives you the skills and capacities you need
to recognize and take off overcoats,
to deepen your communion with the Luminous Self at your core,
and to fulfill your soul purpose and destiny.
What makes this approach to awakening unique and effective?
A Simple, non-religious discussion of who Christ Jesus was, his realization and his mission to Earth.
How the veils of soul forgetting veil us when we embody and the path to transcend them and Self Remember.
Earth and Humanity are entering into a planetary chrysalis in which the three dimensional, separation based world we once knew is dissolving so that a high dimensional world of love~oneness can be birthed.
Barry Martin tells his story how he became aware of the Divinity in the Soul Lotus and how it became the guiding "knowing" that brought him to a kundalini awakening and the realization that living presence of God is within the Soul Lotus in the deep core of our being.