Luminous Self Modules
The Luminous Self Modules constitute a multifaceted, comprehensive program of spiritual unfoldment. This is a Self-guided program to be experienced within the comfort of your own home. Each Module is designed to support you in awakening to the Luminous Self that you are.
Work with each Module until you feel ready to go on to the next. Give each one all the time it wants and needs. You will be developing spiritual skills and capacities that, like all precious and sublime blossoms, do not flower overnight. They unfold over time as you devote sufficient awareness and attention to each important step in the process of awakening.
Remember, awakening is not a race. It is a process guided by the impeccable wisdom of your own innermost Self. Trust your own sacred journey exactly as it unfolds. This is how you are coming Home to who you truly are.
Together, the Modules present a sequential journey based on our more than 25 years of facilitating the process of soul-awakening. We recommend working with the Modules in the order they are presented here. This is the sequence most people find helpful and supportive in their journey into living as the true, eternal Self.
In working with these Modules, you may arrive at a point where it seems you can go no further on your own. You might encounter a mental-emotional block, a painful memory, or something else that you cannot seem to easily face and embrace. If this should occur, please contact us for a private session. We have decades of experience in helping people through such hard places in the journey Home. We have never encountered anything that was impossible to meet and ultimately move through to a freer, lighter place in consciousness. "When two or more are gathered," the infinite power of the Divine pours through in ways that can seem miraculous to our human selves.
At this point, we have completed the first level of Modules. This level focuses on preparing for and experiencing direct, conscious communion with the Luminous Self that you are. There are many more Modules and levels to come! Please check back from time to time to see what has come through since the last time you visited this page.
This is the initial series of steps that will carry you into directly experiencing the true, Luminous Self that you are.
Opening to the Divine by Karen Anderson
A first step in awakening is to realize we cannot awaken ourselves — we need the help of Something Larger. This guided inner process offers the opportunity to turn your awakening — and even your entire life, if you’re ready — over to the Divine, so that It can live through you.
Passing Through the Veils Over the Soul
As much as we want to directly experience the essence of who we really are, the journey inward is rarely a straight line to the ultimate goal. Most of us encounter many manifestations of the Not-self on our way into the inner sanctum of the soul. These guided experiences present a way of being with whatever arises that helps it to release, thus propelling you more deeply into the soul realms.
Part 1) The Clear Mind Meditation Process by Barry Martin Snyder
This process focuses on witnessing and then feeling the breath, which results in a combined experience of witnessing~feeling. Cultivating breath-awareness enhances the ability to observe the contents of the mind as they arise, a first step in dis-identifying with them. As thoughts are allowed to simply pass by, gaps between the thoughts soon occur. Through these openings, we glimpse and deepen in the true Self.
Practices that Support a Clear Mind by Karen Anderson
Most of us feel challenged by our ever-busy, overactive minds. This recording offers a wealth of easily-implemented ways to enhance mental clarity and peace. It begins with a brief description of the Ayurvedic dosha system, focusing on the condition of excess vata (mental energy) that is so common in the busy, modern world. Then, many simple, practical ways to reduce excess mental energy are described. As you begin to work with these suggestions, you will become more aware of and sensitive to your own energetic nature, so you can more quickly respond to imbalances and restore inner harmony and stillness.
This mp3 comes with a pdf script of the recording, so you can refer to the many ideas for supporting a clear mind without having to listen to the recording each time you want to review them.
Part 2) Clearing Sensations and Emotions by Karen Anderson
As the mind quiets, we become aware of body sensations and emotions wanting our attention. This guided inner process focuses on the layers of "stuff" we inevitably encounter on the way into the soul’s domain. Through welcoming and being present with whatever arises, we let go of judgment and resistance and make room for all aspects of our experience. Once these veils have received the loving acceptance they have always wanted, they release and our journey toward the soul realms deepens.
The True, Eternal Self
1) You’ve Already Experienced the True Self by Barry Martin Snyder
Although it can be tempting to believe that experiencing the true Self is “out there” somewhere in the future, the title of this recording must be true, since the eternal, Luminous Self is who each of us really is. We’ve all had sublime moments that we experienced as the soul that we are — whether gazing at a sunset at the end of a perfect day, touring a place that felt like home, or connecting deeply with another soul. This guided journey will evoke such a time, so you can taste the energetic signature of your own deepest Self as it was present then. This will help you to recognize your own unique soul signature in future moments, affirming that you ARE the Self.
2) The Inner Alignments for Soul Communion by Barry Martin Snyder
Why is it easier for some people to find their way into the inner realms of the soul? It is not through effort, for it is the ego which is the source of all effort and “doing.” The false, egoic self sense is the primary obstacle to experiencing the soul, and keeps us out of alignment with the frequencies of the true Self. This experiential process offers a way to create specific inner alignments that remove ego-resistance and clear the pathway into the divinity in the Lotus of the Soul. When these alignments are present, we access the infinite grace of the One to bring us into communion with the Luminous Self that we are.
3) Moving Toward the True, Eternal Self in the Soul Lotus by Karen Anderson
This inner journey will gently, spaciously guide you along the pathway to the soul. You will begin by inviting the breath to carry your awareness into the inner realms of the soul. Then, you will become aware of any body-sensations, emotions, and thoughts that may be arising. This is the "stuff" that we often judge as being in the way of our spiritual journey. But in truth, our "stuff" is not IN the way, it IS the Way to our innermost home. These are the veils that part as we are fully present with them, allowing them to be as they are.
As the veils fall aside, your awareness will more deeply enter the inner sanctum of the Luminous Self. Your experience may include feeling the unique signature of your soul, and experiencing the divine light that you are. You may hear an inner message, or see a symbol that your true Self presents. Each time you listen to this recording, your experience will include both familiar aspects and unique elements, as the magnificent Self that you are reveals itself ever more fully.
4) Communion with the Luminous Self by Barry Martin Snyder
This very powerful inner process is a journey into communion with the Presence of God within the Soul Lotus. More than a process, it is an induction of the energy~consciousness of the luminous divinity in the core of your being. Experiencing communion with our God Self is the primary goal of of the spiritual journey. Working with this process over time will open the doors to this quintessential experience and deepen communion as you continue to open to divine grace.
Communion with Christ
1) Communion with Christ Process-Instructions(pdf) and Process(mp3)
Purchase- $9.99
A profoundly deep and expanded transcendental experience of a journey that leads to a direct experience of the Universal/Cosmic Christ. This is designed to also awaken the Living Christ Presence in the core of the Soul.
3) The Christ Grace Process-mp3
Spiritual First Aid by Karen Anderson (Under Construction)
Would you like to learn a simple mantra that is highly useful whenever you lose your peace? The mantra goes like this: Breathe, Feel, Witness, and Turn it Over to God. This recording guides you through experiencing each of the parts of the mantra in turn, so you can focus your attention on one at a time. Simplifying things in this way is really helpful when feelings of frustration, overwhelm and confusion threaten to overcome us.
Whenever “stuff” arises, this process comes to the rescue. The more you work with it, the more you will internalize the steps, until you know exactly what to do when equanimity has vanished. Over time, you will more quickly remember to use this mantra when issues arise. It can be helpful to review the process occasionally to integrate it more deeply. Knowing how to work with this mantra can become a vital skill in your awakening toolbox!