What is the iTeraCare Terahertz Frequency Wand?
We've been using the iTeraCare wand for more than 7 months and have become convinced, through our personal experiences and those we have sold the wand to, that it is a powerful healing tool with regenerative and transformative capacities. We share some of these experiences and the insights and conclusions we have come to in the audio below.
We are distributors of iTeraCare wand for those who feel called to work with this technology. There is much more to it than you will find on most sites. It is a powerful technology which is programmable with higher light frequencies for clearing, transformation and resurrection. If you are interested in exploring whether the iTeraCare wand might be helpful in your journey of healing and awakening Contact us.
Many quite amazing testimonials of everyday people with no commercial interest
Reviews by a Traditional Naturopath and a Holistic Health Coach