Spotless Mind
When no discriminating thoughts arise
the old mind ceases to exist. When thought objects vanish, the thinking~subject vanishes, as when the mind vanishes, objects vanish. Understand the relativity of these two and the basic reality, the unity of emptiness. In this Emptiness the two are indistinguishable and each contains in itself the whole world... Words! The Way is beyond language for in it there is no yesterday no tomorrow no today. Hsin Hsin Ming, Verses on the Faith~Mind Seng Ts'an (d.606) What would life be like if your mind were not attached to and identified with limiting beliefs, judgments and illusions? When all of that is gone, happiness, joy, and peace are what remain, for these are our inherent nature.
Rigorous examination of mind is one path; another is opening to Grace. Through Grace, the veils of mind are dissolved, revealing what is always there beneath the limited sense of who and what we are -- the inner truth and radiance of the divine Self. ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND IS A TRANSMISSION OF GRACE THAT DISSOLVES THE VEILS OF MIND TO REVEAL ONE’S ABSOLUTE NATURE. WHEN YOU RECEIVE ITS GRACE, IT WILL ASSIST IN YOUR OWN AWAKENING, AND YOU WILL GAIN THE CAPACITY TO PASS THIS GRACE ON TO OTHERS. It has been said that all suffering arises in the mind. The sages of all ages, seeking to go beyond suffering, examined the mind and found it cluttered with beliefs, judgments and illusory images of reality. Through an ongoing search for the truth, these illusions dissolve. What remains is the spotless mind, clear of the lenses and filters that obscure the direct apprehension of truth. The central illusion holding all other illusions in place is the perception of the separate “i” sense -- the body-being who has a finite, impermanent existence. To awaken from this false identification is the doorway to freedom, the escape from the hypnosis of being “of” the world of pain, suffering and death. Seeing reality as it is, all awakened beings have confessed that there is no separate self who suffers the conditions of the world such as disease and death. It is all a play or maya, a dance of mind. That all sounds wonderful to hear -- such a simple solution! -- unless you are caught within the shrouds of identification with mind. Suffering comes from being unconscious, but the difficulty with being unconscious is that you are, by definition, asleep to the source of the suffering -- identification with the beliefs, judgments and false images in the subconscious mind. We all know the pain of being whipped around by the tormenting voices and images of the mind. There is nothing we want more at those moments than to be free of suffering. It was just such a moment that brought forth the Gift of Grace we call the Spotless Mind Transmission. After facilitating a group in Oregon, we headed to the coast for a little R & R. On the way there, some unresolved relationship patterns began to surface. Even with the intention not to give them credence, we found ourselves getting caught in the projections. Lying in bed in our motel room the next morning, we shared how painful it was to still have these old patterns. Even after the all the years devoted to clearing the mind, and finally being gifted with non-dual awakenings, at times “stuff” still surfaced. We knew through experience that it was possible for the mind to be completely clear. We felt a deep desire to experience life free of the mental patterns that remained, or at least to never again become entangled with them. This sincere desire lit the fire in our hearts to ask Source to completely cleanse the mind of any remaining attachment and identification with its contents. No sooner had we asked than a clear, light, strong energy began to pour in. Quite some time passed as we continued to receive the inpouring. When it was once again possible to speak, we both observed that a major shift had occurred. Our minds were completely clear, like diamond or crystal. There were no thoughts, nothing obscuring pure awareness. It was like being instantly transported from a smoggy city to a high, clear mountaintop. Karen’s Experience THE FIRST TRANSMISSION: My mind felt like stainless steel; it felt absolutely spotless. As we drove down the coast observing what was transpiring, we remembered the film called “The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”. That title so exactly described what we were experiencing that we burst into delighted laughter. So, in the spirit of eccentricity, we named the transmission “Spotless Mind” for short. Months went by after that first spontaneous experience of Spotless Mind. We often thought back to that original moment when, tired of all the mental noise, we had asked Life to cleanse our minds of every bit of it. And, just as the words of Jesus the Christ remind us all, when we ask, we receive. We wanted nothing more than to see the world and each other without any filters at all, and presto! -- it happened. That spotless state remained present as the background of our awareness over the next few months, yet we hesitated to share the transmission with people. Barry felt that something else was needed to put the finishing touches on the energy transfer. He has written about that in his section below. THE SECOND TRANSMISSION: Many months later, the day arrived when we felt it was time for us to once again experience the transmission. Barry told me about the Adi Buddha, as he’s described below. We placed a representation of this Father-Mother of all Buddhas on a table where we could both see it during the transmission. Barry and I felt to simply call in the transmission, rather than place our hands on one another’s heads and ask it to come through. As soon as we determined this would be our process, even before Barry began to ask for the energy to pour in, strong sensations began in my head. It felt and looked as though a weather front, a “storm system” of brilliant, powerful light was moving through my brain from front to back. The visual of this was similar to a science textbook illustration of a cross-section of the sea, with the surface of the ocean equivalent to the top of my head, and the ocean bottom equaling the very deepest areas of the brain. As the “weather pattern” of light moved through, it dipped way down into the brain, clearing all of it out vertically as the “front” continued on its path. The “storm front” of light seemed to be dredging out everything that was not needed in the brain/mind. The ongoing process felt very potent, extremely thorough, and not at all unpleasant. No content of any kind accompanied the process. As the “weather front” of light reached the back of the head, curiosity arose about whether it would continue down the back part of the brain. As if in response, the “front” seemed to slow down and then stop at the top back portion of the head. An energy moved through the back of the brain, but felt muted and far less strong and light-imbued than on the top of the head. This area of the brain seemed to contain a lot more density, and I sensed it would require another session at a later date. As this muted process was going on in the back brain, I was given a humorous demonstration of the effects of the Spotless Mind transmission. I inwardly saw a dog that resembled a Dalmatian, but its spots were of many colors. Then a downpour of rain began, and I watched all of its spots wash off! The multicolored hues ran down the pavement with the rain. I inwardly smiled with delight as I watched the spotty dog turn pure white. The inner smile turned to laughter with the realization that the dog was now literally spotless. The Divine has such a sense of humor! This experience of Spotless Mind felt as powerful as the dikshas I experienced in India during the 21-day process in 2005. I would rank it second only to the original diksha we received in 2004, when Bhagavan himself directly empowered the dasas to give diksha to 300 of us. It is no exaggeration to say that the full power of this diksha not only changed our consciousness, but our lives. Barry’s experience THE FIRST TRANSMISSION: The three days after Spotless Mind descended on us in Bandon, Oregon were revelatory indeed. I had never experienced such a state of clarity and emptiness of mind. And when contents of mind did arise, they stood out in stark relief against the clarity of the mental field. Certain subtle contents and processes of mind that I had never noticed before now became apparent. Despite the obvious benefits of Spotless Mind, we just didn’t feel we were to share it with others yet. Something felt incomplete -- the cake wasn’t ready to be taken out of the oven. I didn’t know what it was until nearly a year later when I was traveling in Oregon. While looking around in a store full of wonderful Tibetan goods, my eye was drawn to a card with a black buddha and his white consort. The inscription on the back revealed that the figures were called Samantabhadra and Samantabhadri, who together are the Adi Buddha, the primordial Buddha from which all other buddhas originate. The nature of the Adi Buddha is pure omniscience, or pure knowing. The card had so much energy that I, who rarely shop, found myself buying it. A month or so later, I began to meditate with the card, calling to the Adi Buddha to make its presence known. Over a period of two days, I became enveloped and merged into the Adi Buddha as much as was possible. Clear fields of mind, clarity across many dimensions, vast and deep, opened. Then out of Adi Buddha came Maitreya Buddha, the next Buddha who will be coming to the earth to birth a new age. A rapid succession of insights followed, which revealed that the Adi Buddha and Maitreya Buddha had come to overlight the Spotless Mind transmission. This was the piece we had been waiting for. It all made sense. Adi Buddha is the Buddha most directly related to absolute Source, which is where the Love~Oneness and Ilahinoor transmissions had also originated. As the Buddhist avatar of the incoming age, Maitreya Buddha is akin to the Christ, the Christian avatar of the new age who also overlights the Love~Oneness transmission. THE SECOND TRANSMISSION: A few weeks later on a quiet Sunday afternoon, we found ourselves ready to connect with the Spotless Mind energies again. I placed pictures of Maitreya and Adi Buddha on a table and we tuned in. There was no need to place our hands on each other’s heads. The infusion was so rapid and strong we were transfixed in our chairs. The energy built and continued for almost an hour. Any attempt to describe what happened must come up short, as the experience was more about the absence of content than anything that can be defined. Veils of mind were being very rapidly lifted. The most fascinating and ecstatic moments occurred as the veils that had obscured the nature of mind itself dissolved. It became so clear that everything is mind -- all that we experience, inner or outer, is simply formations of mind-stuff. There was no sense of an objective “me” anywhere to be found, only consciousness and mind. The sense was that of absolute freedom, the “unborn” as buddhists call it, that which is never blemished or even touched. From this awareness it was clear that there is nothing objective, everything being purely subjective; there is only experiencing, without the definitions of mind called experience, experiencer and that which is experienced. SPOTLESS MIND WITHIN A LARGER CONTEXT It became clear that Spotless Mind is indeed the third Transmission of Grace whose function it is to unfold the dimension of being associated with the head soul center, the Cave of Brahman. Our experience indicates that Spotless Mind awakens absolute or non-dual consciousness, the place beyond all states. There seems to be an optimal order to approaching these transmissions, which was revealed in the way they were received. First came Ilahinoor, which awakens the belly soul center -- the hara or tan tien -- which anchors or roots us into our humanness and embodied experience of being. In the organic process of a plant’s growth, its first stage of development is to put down roots and grow a strong trunk, so the plant has a foundation. Many people find that Ilahinoor, when repeatedly experienced over time, imparts an analogous sense of nurturance and rootedness within the depths of one’s own being. Next was given the Love~Oneness Transmission, which awakens the heart soul center. At this stage of evolution, human consciousness begins to awaken to its multidimensional spiritual nature and realize its union with God/the One, whose primary nature is love. We find that when a firm grounding in the belly soul center has been established, it feels natural to invite awareness into the heart soul center. A radiant, open heart can blossom and thrive when it is supported by the sturdy stem of reverence for Life that develops through cultivating belly-consciousness. The last stage, which the Spotless Mind Transmission activates, occurs with the full flowering of the head soul center, as individual consciousness merges with its Source. Traditionally, the quest to awaken this center has been called the path to Enlightenment. A fully opened head soul center brings the experience of that which exists prior to all manifest being, even God, which in this light becomes another feature of Mind. This is the final flowering, ultimately leading to the dissolution of physical identity itself, even while we may continue in the experience of manifest existence for some time. When the belly and heart soul centers are engaged and activated, head center awakenings can stabilize and persist, rather than evaporating in a short time. What began as a temporary state can become the ever-present ground of existence, the endless, transparent sky through which the events of everyday life effortlessly float. The profound revelations and realizations that can accompany head-center activations are far more likely to be embodied and lived when they can descend into and be incorporated within well-developed belly and heart centers. In The Three Dimensions of Awakening, we describe some of the distortions that can arise with an imbalanced unfoldment of the three soul centers. For instance, many Eastern paths focus on opening the head soul center first. While that may work fine for those who are able to live sequestered from the world, it might not be the approach of choice for householders with worldly responsibilities. At this stage in our understanding, we feel to recommend starting a journey with the transmissions by establishing some internal grounding first. The goal of the earthly experience is the fully awakened, God realized human being. Humanness is the foundation of it all; all other dimensions seek expression through this third dimension of reality. If our grounding here is not strong and fully functional, the other levels will either not be fully expressed or will manifest through various fields of distortion. We always encourage people to follow their inner knowing above all else, but encourage you to also deeply consider these issues before beginning with the transmissions. Unless you are clearly guided otherwise, we strongly suggest experiencing Ilahinoor first, then graduating to Love~Oneness, and finally opening to Spotless Mind. SOME FINAL CONSIDERATIONS Spotless Mind may bring to the surface mental and emotional patterns repressed in the subconscious mind. Since this transmission goes to the core of the illusion of the separate self sense, it is often very catalytic in its action of dismantling the ego self. When egoic material arises, we suggest that you give yourself the time and space to stop outer activities in order to go within and fully experience and observe what is occurring. Repressed patterns of mind are surfacing, and by simply witnessing the thoughts, images and feelings, they will continue on their way. Choosing not to provide time and space for this process increases the chance of identifying with the content and becoming the unconscious actor in its pain play once again. Spotless Mind is shared during in-person groups and by phone or skype. Contact Us for details. You can also sign up for our Mailing List to be informed of all of our events. Please read Transmission Guidelines thoroughly before sharing this transmission with others. Here you will find instructions on how we actually give the transmissions, including specific hand placements and their sequence. We have found that following some basic guidelines for giving the transmissions furthers an optimal experience for everyone. When acting in the role of an agent of any transformational energy, it's helpful to be aware of certain issues and responsibilities. We have attempted to outline the considerations that we have found to be most important for everyone involved. To learn more about what Spotless Mind evokes in people, visit the Experiences of Spotless Mind section of this web site. There is a powerful synergistic effect when all three transmissions have been received and integrated over time that is far greater than the effects of each individually. When all three soul centers are awakened a more complete unfoldment occurs which includes a unity of mind, a realization of universal love and one's divine nature, and a healing and wholing of the human psyche. Together, these initiate the birthing of the luminous Self. For a direct window in to the combined effects please read Experiences of Synergy. |