Awakening at the End of Time Links
For those of you who have purchased the paperback version of Awakening at the End of Time, we've compiled a list of links organized by chapter and page in the order they appear in the book. The links embedded in the text will appear exactly as they do in the book, which makes it easy to identify them.
We've included a downloadable PDF and a list below for those who don't want to take up more space on their phones.
Prologue “Humanity Ascending”
Prologue “How a Single-Celled Organism Almost Wiped Out Life on Earth”
Prologue Sixth Great Extinction Event
Ch. 1, pg.1 total debt of all the world's nations
Ch. 1, pg.1 estimated to be $1.2 quadrillion in 2016
Ch. 1, pg.1 global financial system was within hours of total collapse
Ch. 1, pg.2 The eight richest people in the world have half of the world's wealth
Ch. 1, pg.2 “Peak Debt”
Ch. 1. pg.2 debt produced virtually no increase in global productivity
Ch. 2, pg.1 Their plan is to instigate population reduction through various means
Ch. 3, pg.5 we are facing a major planetary water crisis
Ch. 3, pg.5 world’s topsoil -- and with it, agriculture itself -- will be lost in 60 years
Ch. 3, pg.5 losing species at a rate 1000 times faster than occurred during the pre-human era
Ch. 3, pg.5 Recent study in Germany
Ch. 3, pg.6 Beekeepers in the US lost 44 percent of their bees in one year from 2015 to 2016
Ch. 3, pg.6 Neonictonoid pesticides seem to be a primary culprit in the losses worldwide
Ch. 3, pg.6 Seventy to eighty five percent of our crops require insect pollination
Ch. 3, pg.6 5 trillion pieces of plastic weighing 250,000 tons
Ch. 3, pg.6 A 2015 study shows a 50% loss of marine life from 1970 to 2012
Ch. 3, pg.6 one study showing that populations of older, larger fish have dropped by 72%
Ch. 3, pg.6 the Great Barrier Reef, may be in terminal decline.
Ch. 3, pg.6 Great Barrier Reef can no longer be saved
Ch. 3, pg.6 world’s coral reefs could even be gone by that time
Ch. 3, pg.6 Holocene epoch, which began 11,500 years ago, is at an end
Ch. 4, pg.7 Second Law of Thermodynamics
Ch. 4, pg.9 two thirds of our global energy comes from fossil fuels
Ch. 4, pg.9 One quarter of global energy production goes for transportation
Ch. 4, pg.10 Four hundred gallons of oil are used to feed each person in North America per year
Ch. 4, pg.10 “The Looming Energy Shock”
Ch. 4, pg.10 Oil discoveries have crashed to a 65-year low
Ch. 4, pg.10 it’s getting harder for oil companies to make money
Ch. 4, pg.11 bleeding cash and going more deeply into debt
Ch. 4, pg.11 “End of the Oilocene”
Ch. 4, pg.11 half of global production comes from older fields which are declining rapidly
Ch. 4, pg.11 world will have to work with half the oil it currently uses per year by 2030
Ch. 4, pg.12 Hills Group
Ch. 4, pg.12 Some reflections on the Twilight of the Oil Age
Ch. 4, pg.12 “Thermodynamic Oil Collapse”
Ch. 4, pg.12 “The Demise of the Global Oil Industry"
Ch. 4, pg.15 “A Road Map to 100 Percent Renewable Energy in 139 Countries by 2050”
Ch. 4, pg.15 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) magazine
Ch. 4, pg.15 Scientific American, “Landmark 100 Percent Renewable Energy Study Flawed
Ch. 4, pg.16 fossil fuels continue to dominate the US energy scene
Ch. 4, pg.16 “The energy debate: Renewable energy cannot replace fossil fuels”
Ch. 4, pg.20 There's No Tomorrow (Peak Oil Documentary) Part One
Ch. 4, pg.20 There's No Tomorrow (Peak Oil Documentary) Part Two
Ch. 4, pg.20 There's No Tomorrow (Peak Oil Documentary) Part Three
Ch. 5, pg.21 five most destructive wildfires ever in California occurred this year
Ch. 5, pg.22 Average global mean temperature has increased just shy of 1.2 °C
Ch. 5, pg.22 Hadley research Center in the UK
Ch. 5, pg.22 Berkeley report
Ch. 5, pg.22 27th annual State of the Climate report
Ch. 5, pg.23 a Trojan horse designed to enforce laws that would enslave humanity
Ch. 5, pg.23 process of gathering data on global temperatures
Ch. 5, pg.24 Milankovitch cycles
Ch. 5, pg.26 parameters of a new Maunder Minimum were run through climate model programs
Ch. 5, pg.26 Studies of the Maunder Minimum
Ch. 5, pg.26 sunspot activity and total solar irradiance peaked around five decades ago
Ch. 5, pg.26 Adapt 2030
Ch. 5, pg.26 Roy Spencer
Ch. 5, pg.26 John Casey
Ch. 5, pg.26 Valentina Sharkova
Ch. 5, pg.26 Dan Britt
Ch. 5, pg.26 The Union of Concerned Scientists have published an article
Ch. 5, pg.26 “These are the best arguments from the 3% of climate scientist 'skeptics.' Really”
Ch. 5, pg.17 Skeptical Science
Ch. 5, pg.27 Reality Drop
Ch. 5, pg.27 There is no question that glaciers are disappearing everywhere on the planet
Ch. 5, pg.27 sea ice in both of the planet’s hemispheres has dropped by 75% in the last half-century
Ch. 5. pg.27 Antarctica is losing ice just like everywhere else on the planet
Ch. 6, pg.29 20 warmest years on record have occurred since 1995
Ch. 6, pg.29 Arctic is warming about twice as fast as the rest of the planet
Ch. 6, pg.29 The Arctic is the key
Ch. 6, pg.31 The Global Impacts Of Rapidly Disappearing Arctic Sea Ice
Ch. 6, pg.33 thermohaline circulation
Ch. 6, pg.33 Scripps Institute of Oceanography reports that it could be a serious near term issue
Ch. 6, pg.33 Hansen on loss of AMOC and its effects
Ch. 6, pg.34 some climate scientists to call for a global climate emergency
Ch. 6, pg.35 polar vortex to fracture in to two vortexes
Ch. 6, pg.35 climate scientists are in a state of alarm
Ch. 6, pg.36 which published a paper warning of catastrophic methane releases
Ch. 6, pg.37 Arctic last released mass quantities of methane during the Permian extinction
Ch. 6, pg.37 A study at M.I.T. discovered that it may be critical to what is about to occur
Ch. 6, pg.37 a study conducted by Russian scientists at the Tomsk Polytechnic University
Ch. 6, pg.37 unprecedented plumes of methane began to bubble to the surface of the Arctic Ocean
Ch. 7, pg.47 holon
Ch. 7, pg.47 The Seneca Effect: Why Growth is Slow but Collapse is Rapid
Ch. 7, pg.47 in a major speech to environmental groups and politicians
Ch. 8, pg.49 Abrupt Impacts Of Climate Change, Anticipating Surprises
Ch. 8, pg.49 “We’ve got an emergency"
Ch. 8, pg.50 humanity will be wiped out by climate change
Ch. 8, pg.50 the official national climate assessment
Ch. 8, pg.51 November 2017, this group released a new, dire "warning to humanity."
Ch. 8, pg.51 the late, renowned professor Stephen Hawking stated
Ch. 8, pg.52 "Abrupt Warming – How Much and How Fast?"
Ch. 8, pg.53 "Climate Dynamics: Facing the Harsh Realities of Now"
Ch. 8, pg.53 anthropogenic climate change was catapulting us toward the near-term human extinction
Ch. 8, pg.53 "Monster Climate Change Essay,"
Ch. 8, pg.54 "Our Aversion to Doom and Gloom is Dooming Us”
Ch. 8, pg.56 A Degree By Degree Explanation Of What Will Happen When the Earth Warms
Ch.10, pg.66 For models of the universe to work it must be multidimensional
Ch.10, pg.66 God Is Not Dead
Ch.10, pg.68 universe is both holographic
Ch.10, pg.68 fractal
Ch.10, pg.70 Perennial Philosophy
Ch. 11, pg.74 Up from Eden
Ch. 12, pg.85 extinction rates 1,000 on the way quickly to 10,000 times higher than normal
Ch. 13, pg.89 end of Kali Yuga by Bibhu Dev Misra point to 2025
Ch. 14, pg.94 From 2000 to 2010, the magnetic field north declined another 5%
Ch. 14, pg.94 A 2014 study
Ch. 14, pg.95
Ch. 14, pg.95 The Magnetic Reversal and the Birth of Homo Luminous
Ch. 14, pg.95 North magnetic pole had been over northern Canada
Ch. 14, pg.96 5 Truths About Earths Magnetic Reversal
Ch. 14, pg.96 A notice was just released which indicated that the model projections are no longer valid
Ch. 14, pg.96 watch Suspicious Observers youtube beginning at 2:03
Ch. 14, pg.97 If a similar event were to occur today, the results would be catastrophic.
Ch. 14, pg.99 Russian scientist Alexei Dmetriev has published numerous papers
Ch. 14, pg.101 The Maya called the Galactic Center the Hunab Ku which meant, “The Only God”
Ch. 14, pg.102 Archaeologist Robert Schoch (Forgotten Civilization)
Ch. 14, pg.102 a major plasma event that was catastrophic on a global level
Ch. 14, pg.103 Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps
Ch. 14, pg.105 Cal Berkeley says that reversals can occur in less than 100 years
Ch. 15, pg.107 Earth precesses through the entire 360° of the celestial background of stars
Ch. 15, pg.107 Galactic alignment
Ch. 15, pg.108 sun is connected to the Earth directly through a magnetic portal
Ch. 15, pg.109 morphic fields, which are informational pattern fields, holographic in nature
Ch. 15, pg.109 Kirlian photography
Ch. 15, pg.109 The Phantom leaf affect
Ch. 15, pg.110 Institute for Creation Research did some mathematical calculations
Ch. 15, pg.111 scientists at the University of Buckingham in England
Ch. 16, pg.115 The Taoist tradition had their immortals who ascended
Ch. 16, pg.115 a Tibetan monk created a “rainbow” light body and ascended in 1998
Ch. 16, pg.115 Ramalinga Swami was the most recent and famous of these
Ch. 18, pg.127 The Mysteries of the Great Cross at Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time
Ch. 18, pg.128 Ken Carey, entitled, THE AWAKENING SOLAR INTELLIGENCE
Ch. 18, pg.129 David Wilcock at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference
Ch. 18, pg.131 1 in 8 Chance of Catastrophic Solar Megastorm by 2020
Ch. 18, pg.131 Pete Riley
Ch. 19, pg.138 Starseed: The Third Millenium
Ch. 19, pg.138 New Maps In Hyperspace
Ch. 19, pg.139 Light, Consciousness, and the White Hole in Time
Ch. 19, pg.140 the development of a new, Christed species
Ch. 20, pg.141 Mass Dreams of the Future
Ch. 20, pg.144 Soul Awakening: The Journey From Ego to Essence
Ch. 21, pg.150 Allison Coe of Portland, Oregon who also does future progression work
Ch. 25, pg.170 one in six Americans is on psychiatric drugs
Ch. 25, pg.171 “Spiritual Bypassing” a term coined by John Welwood
Ch.26, pg.175 normalcy bias
Ch. 29, pg.187 Beyond Hope: Letting Go of a World in Collapse
Ch. 31, pg.201 Taking Off Overcoats: A Simple, Loving Approach To Awakening
Ch. 31, pg.203 Soul Awakening: The Journey From Ego To Essence
Ch. 32, pg.212 the way Ramana Maharshi became liberated
Ch. 33, pg.216 We Are The Awakening Christ
Afterword, pg.221
Afterword, pg.221 You can also sign up for our occasional Newsletters.
Afterword, pg.222 Soul Awakening: The Journey From Ego to Essence
Afterword, pg.222 Agents of Grace: Fulfilling Our Destiny, Blessing the World
Afterword, pg.222 We Are The Awakening Christ: The Birth of the Luminous, Divine Human
Afterword, pg.222 Taking Off Overcoats: A Simple, Loving Approach to Awakening
Afterword, pg.223 integrated series of inner process modules
Afterword, pg.223 Transmissions of Grace
Afterword, pg.223 Our Youtube Channel
Afterword, pg.223 contact us