I am on fire with the love of God Does anyone need a light? You can set your rubbish ablaze From the fire. Rumi translated by Coleman Barks En-Love-enment THE CAVE OF THE HEART OR HEART SOUL CENTER In the center of our chest, just above the heart is the soul center that has also been called the Cave of the Heart, the High Heart, the the heart of the Soul, the spiritual heart center. This is most often where we experience the indwelling presence of God as Love, a love that is universal....One with All That Is. The simplest way to describe the realization that occurs when this soul center opens is God is Love, Love is All That Is, I AM that. It is really impossible to separate the sense of oneness and the experience of love, for they are one and the same; the term Love~Oneness expresses the seamless unity of the two. Everything is healed and made whole in love. Fragmented, denied aspects of the psyche are brought back into wholeness, reincorporated into the soul when brought into this heart of Oneness. With the opening of this center comes the all-important direct “feeling” perception of the oneness that is love, which we call love~oneness. Once we have had this conscious experience, the defenses of the ego rapidly begin to melt. Relationships heal as we feel the love~oneness that unifies our communion with everyone. This is felt in a deeper domain than the non-dual realization in which the mind perceives the oneness. Here, the realization enters the realm of feeling, which includes intimacy, warmth, and the deep connection with all of life. The direct, living experience that love is the fabric of all creation and the perception of the inherent unity of all things may occur all at once, or become more gradually established over time. This Transmission of Grace appears to dissolve -- at the perfect pace and in the perfect way -- all the barriers or illusions to the experience of Love~Oneness as our true nature. As the heart soul center opens, it becomes increasingly clear that the fabric that unites everything is love. It forms the substratum of all creation, as God’s most essential nature. Impediments to surrendering to the God within melt with this realization, as does the ability to separate and judge oneself and others. When everything is experienced as being held and based in love, however distorted it may appear, the capacity to embrace all circumstances, conditions and people with an encompassing and transforming love becomes second nature. Recipients of Love~Oneness also experience a quieting or stopping of the mind and a continuous deepening and expansion of the opening of the heart. Bliss is often experienced as inherent to our true nature. Great peace may accompany the realization that all that once seemed to prevent joy and happiness is simply not based in reality. Peace, bliss, love, and other divine qualities are revealed as aspects of our inherent nature, not states that need to be sought or acquired externally. The Love~Oneness Transmission beautifully complements both Ilahinoor and Spotless Mind, as it bridges and unifies the absolute and transcendental states of consciousness with the human and imminent levels of experience. During the transmission itself, Love~Oneness will ascend and descend depending on where it needs to go to heal the classic upper-lower split and fragmentation experienced by many on the spiritual path. The frequencies of Love-Oneness also seem to penetrate the illusions of the mind and undo the blockage and closure of the heart. Therefore, this transmission may be especially effective for those whose hearts are are shut down, who feel alienated from others or Life itself, or who are caught in the suffering of the mind. As Love~Oneness opens the heart soul center, it also tends to open the soul lotus, which is nested most deeply in the same region. Deeper than the experience of divine love and oneness is the ineffable yet palpable divine presence, the essence of the One. The unfoldment of the soul lotus and the pouring forth of the divine essence ultimately result in the full realization of our true nature, which includes and transcends the other dimensions of being unfolded through the three soul centers. Within the soul lotus, we merge with the “ground of being”, that which encompasses the absolute and transcendental as well as the imminent and physical. This is the final stage of the journey, and continues to ripen as the other dimensions awaken. EXPERIENCES OF THE LOVE~ONENESS TRANSMISSION Virtually everyone experiences the Love~Oneness Transmission as an activation of the heart and soul. Many report seeing everyone and everything through the eyes of love, and becoming aware of the perfection of others exactly as they are. Aspects of the self and others that have previously been hard to accept are now seen as they are, without the mind's judgments coloring perception. Many people find that the Love~Oneness Transmission deepens their connection with the energy and consciousness of the Christ, and the living reality that the Christ lives within them, as them. This can be a profound experience of "coming home." Some people experience a temporary intensification of the knot in the heart that is nearly ubiquitous in the human condition. This may be felt as physical pain, tightness, aching, or other sensations. Emotion may also arise. We suggest breathing into the sensation, fully feeling it on the inbreath, and then fully releasing it as you turn it over to the Divine on the outbreath. Staying present to the sensation through many breaths may be necessary to help the contraction to release. If you would like to receive this transmission you may do so directly by phone. Contact Us for details. You may also experience the Love~Oneness Transmission through the Love~Oneness Song with Transmission available at our Store. To read others' accounts following this transmission, please see the Experiences of Love~Oneness page. There is a powerful synergistic effect when all three transmissions have been received and integrated over time that is far greater than the effects of each individually. When all three soul centers are awakened a more complete unfoldment occurs which includes a unity of mind, a realization of universal love and one's divine nature, and a healing and wholing of the human psyche. Together, these initiate the birthing of the luminous Self. For a direct window in to the combined effects please read Experiences of Synergy. Oh lovers, lovers, it is time To set out from the world… Beneath this water-wheel of stars Your sleep has been heavy. Observe that heaviness and beware For life is fragile and quick. Heart, aim yourself at Love! Friend, discover the Friend! Watchman, Wake up! You weren’t put here to sleep! Rumi translated by Coleman Barks |