Experiences of Love~Oneness
We're already sharing your empowerment. I watched my heart carefully during the empowerment and for the last few days because I'm 54 with a history of tachycardia and irregular beating. During the empowerment my heartbeat slowed, steadied, became deeper and more powerful. It has remained this way with no more irregularity. I also feel much better physically. *** This evening I was able to give Love-Oneness to a little hummingbird to coax it back to "life" after my younger cat caught it. It wasn't noticeably injured, but seemed to remain a bit "lifeless" for a good 5 minutes, not wanting to fly when I tried to coax it. So, I sat quietly with it for another 10 minutes, stroking its tiny head, and feeling its tiny heartbeat strengthen. I just asked for Love-Oneness to give it some energy. Before the light was gone I took it out to a large bush over my back fence, and as I opened my hand, it flew off perfectly! *** I have the last years felt a deep attraction (maybe the wrong word, but cant come up with any other right now) towards Christ, so this could be what my heart has been longing for. I felt very good for 3 days after the transmission of love~oneness. Yesterday evening I started to feel very tired, and today I have been feeling very heavy and sad. A feeling of meaninglessness entering my being. Could not stay at work, went home after an hour felt like I will not get anything done today, and I don't want to stay there doing nothing. It is easier to just be in the experience of what is happening at home. *** Well--------- a lot happened to me at the last transmission for Love-Oneness. Activation! Emotional connection! Visual of a warm golden light in the sacred heart area. MOther Mary's presence! Visual of a golden thread connecting all that were on the conference call......the thread pulled us in together tightly. At the end when you said you were sending Love, i felt my heart really accept that. It appears to me that this area has been closed off for a long time and needs a lot of opening! I have not experienced feeling energy in this area before, i think like a lot of us we have shut down that area of feeling and experiencing, huh? There's a real awakening happening here! So, I will be participating in the next Love-Oneness transmission. *** I am so grateful you are doing the teleconferences, thank you so much! the love oneness experience was so profound for me, i feel enveloped in love still for my self and all. i finally feel able to connect this to others more confidently, felt like i did't "get It" in some wa=y the 1st time. *** I just had a wonderful experience with giving Oneness-Love to a friend who not feeling well. I called her and said I would sit for a while and send her a healing prayer from the Christ Light or Christ Conciseness. As soon as sat I invoked the light of Christ and saw this in her as well. She e-mailed me and said It was very powerful. *** Absolutely wonderful! I felt so "at home" with this transmission. It was so full of God, so full of Christ-Love! So heart-centered. I was intoxicated with Love and Oneness all day. My deeksha meeting Weds night was like a Golden super-nova of Love from the heart. On Thursday, I was totally hung over, could hardly wake up & get out of bed, like the early days of receiving deeksha before my body had adjusted to it. Today I am clear and integrated. Thank you! This is profound. *** katja noticed especially the intensity, the deepness of love~oneness. she described it as deeper than meditation, closer to hypnotic. very vulnerable, and she thought it would NOT be a good idea to have that be people's first experience! which of course I know you don't, she meant from our point of view. *** Love Oneness (last week) continues to work its magic. Initially I felt it as a contraction, but after two days it started to feel as if I was on an intravenous drip of love! Not a new feeling at all, but way more constant than it has been before. I was called to the transmission because I felt I needed all the help I could get in a difficult situation with my elderly parents, and Wow! it's really worked. What I was experiencing as potentially upsetting, tedious, restricting, frustrating, etc has now been reframed as an opportunity; a powerful initiation of the heart. It's all still the same on one level, but it's held within this all-embracing field of love, and it feels like my parents and I are magnifying mirrors for each other's love. |