Experiences of Spotless Mind
Pleasure and Pain are only aspects of the mind. Our essential nature is happiness. Ramana Maharshi Concerning the Spotless Mind transmission - wow! You know it yourselves as something hard to word, so what can I say?! It seemed like the stainless (stain less, without stain) steel mind was so bright and shiny that it was a gleaming pure silvery white. The next day, when thoughts did arise, there was no place for them to stick on the stain less steel mind, so they just slide away. Fascinating to be aware thatsimilar thoughts used to turn round-n-round tenaciously embedded and unable to release. Truly amazing to experience. I look forward to seeing how long and pervasive this one transmission will remain. On the mechanics of the call: I liked the idea of the readings but my mind had trouble at that point. As you started to read the first quote, Karen, my mind engaged and digested it. Then during the second quote, I found my mind unable to track the words to follow its meaning. About half way through, I let go of the energy to focus on what I was hearing and relaxed into what I was feeling. By the third quote, my mind no longer functioned as the mind I knew. *** I have really been more focused with greater clarity and purpose since the Spotless Mind transmissions. All the mindless chatter when it occurs is just seen for what it is mindless chatter. I feel my whole brain has gone through a thorough spring cleaning. *** I have so much to share on Spotless mind that I don't know where to start and the words seem harder to find lately. I may also take a break from any more transfers for as you may know, I find it more difficult to move in this three dimensional world when in an altered state. I need to rest more and take it slower and savor what I am experiencing in these present moments. It seems so clear to me that all is Mind and or Thought and everything we have in our reality comes from that. The more I surrender and let things flow as they may, the easier it is. The more I resist, the harder and more frustrating thus headaches, pains, weakness, anxieties and tiredness. When I sent the one transfer to my friend, I really felt the strength and power in giving it and experienced what the Course in Miracles means by ideas increase by giving them away. My patterns of neediness in calling people is so apparent to me that I am looking for approval when I really need to go within more and the approval I seek is right there inside of me. *** After the Spotless Mind telcon ended, I rested for about 15 minutes as I usually do. Then I felt drawn to get up and take care of a few matters. Thirty minutes later, after completing various tasks, I moved toward resting again. The moment I reclined, my task-oriented mind shifted to Spotless Mind. There was such a clear distinction between the two minds/Minds - one so beneficially active to help the human body exist on this plane, the other such a beneficially still True Nature. Then it felt as if Spotless Mind began to breath itself deeply into my entire body. With very pronounced downward pressure toward my belly, Spotless Mind breathed an energetic pulse that had a different quality from my regular breathing pattern. It seemed as if Spotless Mind was making itself more fully present, not solely in the head soul center, but throughout the body. It seemed as if Spotless Mind was giving this body the opportunity to shift to and really know what the human body experience is like when the grace of Spotless Mind enters the DNA and cells. I watched that process for 45 mintues and then was moved to get ready for bed. After thoses chores were completed, I lay in bed. The same process unfolded: Spotless Mind energy field took over from the task-oriented mind, and again, Spotless Mind breathed itself down into my body core, strongly filling me with a feeling-knowing of how the Spotless Mind energy field exists not only in the brain center but also throughout the body. *** WOW that transmission was powerful, thank you! What a great group to be with, so heartful, It was as powerful to transmit, felt like being blown in the desert/ocean wind!! *** I want to thank you for the wonderful transmissions and your openenss to discuss and explain things. When you were talking tonight this thought went through my head, "OH, I am to learn how to be the good enough mother to myself by allowing all thoughts and feelings, and not punishing myself with "negative" beliefs and judgements about myself, not being hard on myself.""accepting and loving myself the way I am." then when you started "spotless mind transmission" I noticed that I felt unfaithful to Ammabhagavan for seeking a different transmission than the Oneness blessing. then a voice within said, "a good father always wants their child to have every good thing, even if it surpasses what they had in their lifetime.." then the guilt about "being unfaithful" lifted away.I felt myself accept this truth about Godhood/fatherhood. Then I saw how all my "negative labels" of myself were not true,just opinions, and that the "negative labels"from others were not true either. Then I saw that I had been looking at myself through the eyes of others who made negative judgements of me, and taking on their judgements, and feeling shame and inadequacy which led to depression, thus allowing others to run my life. On some level I knew this before, but tonight I felt like my heart/mind had really digested the awareness of it, and I felt the cycle shifted. I saw the whole cycle clearly, and I saw myself clearly, and that I am OK, and that I don't have to be any different than I am to make a contribution to the universe. I am the part I am supposed to be. I felt shame lift from me, and I felt a joy within myself. |