Experiences of Synergy
Combined Effects of the three Transmissions of Grace
STORIES FROM CLIENTS WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED ALL THREE TRANSMISSIONS OF GRACE Having experienced all three transmissions these past 6 months, it feels like the three energy fields work very complementarily and compatibly together. It is as if Ilahinoor now shines Divine Light on some of the most tenacious blemishes hidden in the gut. Then immediately Love-Oneness energy seems to envelop the blemish in pink cotton-candy softness and carry it to the heart. And the Spotless Mind sees-feels what is arising, but nothing sticks to the Mind's smooth stainless steel surface. In the process, there is also the awareness that the Ilahinoor energy in the belly area really roots, so as to be able to stay present for seeing the blemish, which on one hand appears with a personal story and yet is so impersonally universal. The Love-Oneness energy of the Heart then seems to kick in to hold both the discomfort of the personal situation and the larger, grosser dynamic of the human condition. And gratefully to the Spotless Mind energy, while these glimpses-thoughts may linger, so as to be welcomed back into the One whole, they do not establish a never-ending loop. The three energy fields seem to exponentially increase, strengthen, build upon and support each other. While it might be said that these energies are now integrated, it is also true that they have always been present and there is no one within whom to integrate. ** ** ** It really is kind of an interesting process putting words to the experience of the transmissions' impact in/on Life. First when I share on a call, it fascinates which words arise to be articulated. Then, like last week, Barry asked if my experiences had changed since the Spotless Mind transmission. That made me reflect and to see-feel the intertwinedness of all 3 energies. And then a participant said that it sounded like the 3 energies were integrated. Instantly an answer arose 'yes' and then quickly another answer arose 'no'. I wasn't capable of responding on the call, but after exploring the yes/no answer could then write in my comments for your website: Yes they have always been integrated even before an 'I' existed. And 'no' they are not integrated, because where/when these energies arise there is no one that exists in whom to be integrated. ** ** ** I was surprised to find myself in a Spotless Mind session last weekend, as I was expecting a Love-Oneness session...... afterwards I checked the website again and sure enough, both of them were scheduled for the same timeslot on the same day!! So you can't blame me for skipping ahead! I just went with it though I was a little disconcerted as I had been mentally preparing myself for the Love-Oneness for a few days beforehand, feeling how strongly I was longing to clear the oooold familiar blockages in my heart. I had an amaaaazing experience, the fall-out of which is continuing still. After the transmission, I could feel blockages which I couldn't access -- some of it in my heart. So sometime later that day, I asked for the Love-Oneness transmission, then forgot that I'd asked for it, and a bit later, suddenly I WAS PLUNGED INTO A LOVE-ONENESS TRANSMISSION!!! I was astounded - it was incredibly strong and clear, and it took a few moments to realize what it was, and then I thought 'but I didn't ask for this!' and then I thought 'did I?' and it was really hard to remember back to the space I'd been in only a few moments before when I asked for it -- as I was now in such a different realm!!!! I felt like a bag of bones as my body softened up so much with an astonishing heart feeling taking over. Every day there have been more onion-layers of OOOld stuff lifting off..... initially the first few days when I needed help to deal with the intense pain that came up I asked the love-Oneness to help clear it, and I was amazed at how prompt and efficient and intelligent it was - it responded immediately and it would draw me into where it would clear. This happened several times. I was in a huge amount of emotional pain for the first few days, and then each time I have thought I am stabilizing, a new layer again comes floating to the surface, so it hasn't quite finished yet, though it's less pressing now. So i just thought I'd share that with you - I actually got them BOTH!! i can feel both of them working, I'm getting insights into my conditioning at a level of subtlety I haven't experienced before, so I know that's the Spotless Mind working, and am taken deep into parts of the brain I have been longing to get into and at times feeling a massive relief at the aeons-old agonizing tension deep in the brain releasing a bit.....sooo many convoluted layerings of pained warring parts....unwinding .......... So I now am just trusting that it's all happening as it's meant -- isn't that extraordinary that I just received that transmission when I asked for it? |