Our Philosophy on Giving and Receiving
Giving and Receiving are two facets of the endless flow of life and love that nourishes and sustains us all.
The channel through which we receive is the same channel through which we give.
When we restrict either through fear and doubt, the other is simultaneously limited.
When we are fully open to receive and also to give, maximum life, love, and light flow through us and into all we touch.
A righteous Mobius strip of giving~receiving flows back and forth and feels right to all involved.
We ask you to join us in a world in which we all give to each other and life in joy, from the guidance of our own soul. In this world there everyone will have exactly what they need and abundance will be everywhere.
There is a beautiful discourse on giving, receiving and valuing in the Course In Miracles that summerizes the truth on this subject eloquently.
"If paying is equated with getting, you wlll set the price low but demand a high return. You will have forgotten, however, that to price is to value, so that your return is in proportion to your judgement of worth.....Read More......
So how does this philosophy apply to our work?
We do not charge a fixed amount for sessions, for to charge is to demand, and that is not the way of the soul.
Our commitment is to share all that we have with those who are called to us, and to be open to receive in the same manner.
If you know you are to receive the gifts of this work, we ask that you go within and ask your soul what it knows it is to give, and do that.
Sometimes it can be helpful to have at least some loose parameters or guidelines.
One consideration that some find helpful is to ask yourself what would feel right for you to receive for the gift you just received. Another is to consider what others doing a similar type of work ask for in compensation.
We ask you to consider this as you go to your soul to ask what you are to contribute, and to let us know if you feel called to give something else.
This will give us the mutual opportunity to align and thus insure that the maximum possibilities of our work together are realized.
We are committed to making this work available to everyone who is truly called to experience it.
Together, we will find a pattern of giving and receiving that feels right for all involved.
Giving and Receiving are two facets of the endless flow of life and love that nourishes and sustains us all.
The channel through which we receive is the same channel through which we give.
When we restrict either through fear and doubt, the other is simultaneously limited.
When we are fully open to receive and also to give, maximum life, love, and light flow through us and into all we touch.
A righteous Mobius strip of giving~receiving flows back and forth and feels right to all involved.
We ask you to join us in a world in which we all give to each other and life in joy, from the guidance of our own soul. In this world there everyone will have exactly what they need and abundance will be everywhere.
There is a beautiful discourse on giving, receiving and valuing in the Course In Miracles that summerizes the truth on this subject eloquently.
"If paying is equated with getting, you wlll set the price low but demand a high return. You will have forgotten, however, that to price is to value, so that your return is in proportion to your judgement of worth.....Read More......
So how does this philosophy apply to our work?
We do not charge a fixed amount for sessions, for to charge is to demand, and that is not the way of the soul.
Our commitment is to share all that we have with those who are called to us, and to be open to receive in the same manner.
If you know you are to receive the gifts of this work, we ask that you go within and ask your soul what it knows it is to give, and do that.
Sometimes it can be helpful to have at least some loose parameters or guidelines.
One consideration that some find helpful is to ask yourself what would feel right for you to receive for the gift you just received. Another is to consider what others doing a similar type of work ask for in compensation.
We ask you to consider this as you go to your soul to ask what you are to contribute, and to let us know if you feel called to give something else.
This will give us the mutual opportunity to align and thus insure that the maximum possibilities of our work together are realized.
We are committed to making this work available to everyone who is truly called to experience it.
Together, we will find a pattern of giving and receiving that feels right for all involved.