Something major is happening with the earth’s magnetic field. I first became aware of this while watching one of my favorite video blogs, Suspicious Observers. Here's a link to the video, "Magnetic Field In Trouble". As the the video makes clear, these changes suggest a magnetic pole flip is coming sooner than later. That’s big news, very big news. Will get into that later. Let’s start by looking at the overall strength of the geomagnetic field which is weakening at an accelerating pace. It actually began doing so about 150 years ago, a fact known by science for some time. From the mid 1800s till around 2000, the strength of the field dropped by 10%, meaning we only have 90% of our normal magnetic field strength. That’s significant as the Earth’s magnetic field is the “feminine” matrix which protects us from incoming radiation and also has a major causal relationship to all life processes. Recently the field strength has fallen further and is declining at a faster rate. That’s what prompted me to write this article, as it signifies a quickening in the pace of evolution for us all. In the last 10 years it has declined another 5% which is nearly 10 times faster than the previous rate. That means that the rate at which the decline is occurring is accelerating, indicating we are on an exponential curve. This has potentially immense significance in the near term, i.e. in most of our lifetimes. A 5% change in ten years doesn’t seem like a big deal at first glance. That’s because the linear, concrete human mind just doesn’t grasp exponential functions easily. For example, if you were given $1 on the first day of the month and that amount were to double each day -- on day 2 you would have $2, day 3, $4, etc. -- no one could imagine that by the last day of the month you would have more than $500,000,000. Getting back to the magnetic field, the very slow loss of .6% every ten years for the previous 150 years has now increased to a rate of 5% per 10 years. If the same rate of increase in the rate of the change of the field strength continues it would add another 50% loss in the next 10 years. That would be a 65% loss by 2020. Remembering our example of compounding dollars above, the remaining 35% of the field strength would disappear sometime shortly after 2020, less than 10 years from today. Mainstream science says it takes hundreds or thousands of years for a magnetic reversal to occur. The data would indicate otherwise in this case. Of course, no one knows if this will happen. It could stay the same, become less or even accelerate. Chances are it will increase because of other potent influences in the solar system and beyond. We’ll touch on this later. Then there are the many prophesies that have foretold major earth-related shifts which could easily be tied to a magnetic reversal. There are also numerous other well documented sources that show that the magnetic poles have shifted as often as every 12-13,000 years. Most of these are based upon studies of sedimentary layers with high iron contents that show that geomagnetically induced magnetism on the iron atoms shows the atoms switching their polarity direction in much shorter time frames than previously thought. The earth’s magnetic poles are also shifting rapidly. The location of the north pole, in particular, is moving quite rapidly and the rate it is moving is also increasing, but not as fast as the rate we're losing the overall field strength. It’s already drifted from northern Canada southeastward toward Siberia, having moved more than 16 deg. of latitude and 50 deg. of longitude. That’s a significant movement. So what might all this mean to us, a sophisticated human society in the early 21st century? The earth’s magnetic field is our planetary “womb” which protects us from all incoming radiation from space. We’re constantly being showered with radiation across broad physical and nonphysical spectra. At a physical level outer space is filled with gamma, alpha, beta, neutron, x-rays, ultraviolet radiation and other cosmic radiation. As the magnetic field decreases, more radiation from the sun, other stars and galaxies reaches the surface of the earth -- impacting you, me and all the rest of life here. We know that radiation can cause damage and even death when it is too severe. That's not the crucial issue here. What is more important is that it also causes transformation on all levels from the physical genetics, to the subtle bodies, chakras and soul. At the non-physical or spiritual levels the emanations from the cosmos and especially the galactic core contain evolutionary frequencies that cause another form of transformation. The galactic presence of logos is sending us the multidimensional encoding necessary to birth a divine, soul realized human being. What happens when the magnetic poles shift and the field drops drastically? Robert Felix just published a book called Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps. It’s a good read, highly recommended if you want to go deeper. His research has revealed that most major extinction events were accompanied by a magnetic reversal. A good example occurred 65 million years ago (at the end of the Cretaceous Period). After living on Earth for about 165 million years, the dinosaurs that dominated life here simply disappeared. After the dust settled a whole new life form, mammals, appeared. Felix discovered that the dinosaurs didn’t really change or evolve much during the 165 million years they were here. Nor was there any link to the mammals that suddenly appeared. This has occurred ubiquitously at the end of each age when a major extinction occurs. To quote, Robert Felix, "Look at the Ordovician, when jawless fish with no known ancestors suddenly appeared; or the Silurian, when algae crawled out of the sea and onto barren ground; or the Devonian, when coniferous trees suddenly appeared, as did fers, seemingly out of thin air." Some scientists are theorizing we are in one now. The good news is that a whole new set of life forms seemingly magically appear on the other side of the shift. A key message is that there are no “missing links” in the phylogenetic tree. New species are seeded by solar, galactic and cosmic energies periodically as the earth drops her fields and shifts her magnetic axis to open her womb to receive the new evolutionary encodings from beyond. Always a higher life form unfolds. There is an intelligent progressive direction to evolution. The divine is always attempting to express more aspects of its nature through its creation. Homo Sapiens Sapiens is at the top of the evolutionary “tree” right now. Are we going to disappear like the dinosaurs or make a leap into a new species? The incoming energies are increasing with every passing day. If you're in a body and not psychically numb you know this. What makes our species unique is that it was the first in all of Earth’s evolution that had the capacity for self-reflection, the ability to know itself. As a result we have begun to tap into the creative intelligence of the universe, a sure sign of the unfolding of our larger nature as souls. The next step is a big one. What is going extinct is the terrestrially, physically defined human being. The next species will be a multidimensional, universal being. This won’t happen overnight. It may take centuries or more to unfold, which in the evolutionary time scale is a very, very short period of time. Earlier we mentioned that the evolutionary energies were intelligent and had a source. What is driving this grand shift is a potent influx of evolutionary energies from the galactic center and the sun. The incoming energies are quickening everything, and most fundamentally and profoundly the divine essence or presence of our true nature in the core of our souls. Our inner light is increasing, expanding and infusing all our bodies and chakras just as Gaia is also being raised. We are becoming more light than dense matter, a new species -- Homo Luminous. What is asked of us? To align with the process of dissolution and rebirth that is accelerating all around us. Our limited self-definitions and identity of being a small, limited, physical human being are asking to be surrendered. Our outer, materialistic, ego/personality orientation is being dissolved, order to impel us to look within to find our true nature and bring it forth. The next species will be the super human Sri Aurobindo prophesied, or the Homo Luminous of Mayan prophesy. We will have realized that we are not merely aggregations of matter, but holographic, fractal aspects of God/Source. Realizing this, we will unfold our divine qualities, characteristics and capacities as God-realized beings. Just a short jump ahead, in evolutionary time, beyond this crisis which is a birth, per Barbara Marx Hubbard, this earth will be a sacred fifth-dimensional garden on which a species of Krishna-Buddha-Christs live. It’s time to realize that our cycle of existence as homo sapiens sapiens during which we have been living as physical, human caterpillars is ending. We are about to realize our true nature as multidimensional, divine beings. The old is passing away quickly and this will accelerate. The caterpillar must spin its cocoon and enter the chrysalis of transmutation to become the new species. This new age is an age of transformation. It is not about acquiring more, better and different toys in a dying world. We are being called to release our human caterpillar identification and all the attachments that go with that. It’s time to turn within, let go and immerse in the divine presence of light and love in the core of our being until we merge with it and fully embody it. The divine image~hologram true nature lies therein. When it is discovered and unfolded it has everything necessary to re-code our subtle bodies with the perfect image of the Adam Kadmon that is our true embodiment. This is the way we become the new divine species. To explore the relationship between the many ongoing and upcoming Galactic, Solar and Earth Changes and the major evolutionary shift humanity is undergoing, we recommend our book, We Are the Awakening Christ: The Birth of the Divine Human and Year Zero: Time of the Great Shift by Kiara Windrider. |
9/11/2015 05:41:33 am
This is very important information that needs to get out there. I know more information on this. I am the only one in the world that knows a timeframe for this. If interested contact me. I am currently writing a book entitled: The Magic and The Mayhem: One Man's Reluctant Ten Year Spiritual Journey dictated by Source as Me, V David Mattice
1/20/2016 10:38:26 am
I'm interested in hearing more about the timeframe and what Source is telling you. Email me anything that would be helpful. [email protected]
Hailey Rush
1/20/2016 03:17:47 pm
Hello! I agree with you; this is extremely important. I would love any information you have to offer. I felt a shift in 2012 as I realized my "Christian" identity didn't make sense anymore.
Birgit Palotas
4/24/2016 08:02:44 pm
This feels like Christ(mas) news to me...Yes Yes Yes Please allow me to partake on your findings...and I am ever so eager to help to network and share this valuable informational treasure . Thank you so very much !! Sincerely Birgit Palotas
Birgit Palotas
4/24/2016 08:03:36 pm
Yes Yes Yes Please allow me to partake on your findings...and I am ever so eager to help to network and share this valuable informational treasure . Thank you so very much !! Sincerely Birgit Palotas
4/24/2016 09:20:58 pm
I would be interested in your info on timeframe and how you got it. I will be writing much more soon.
4/24/2016 09:21:04 pm
I would be interested in your info on timeframe and how you got it. I will be writing much more soon.
4/24/2016 09:21:17 pm
I would be interested in your info on time frame and how you got it. I will be writing much more soon.
12/9/2016 01:10:52 am
Dear Dave, I am interested. Looking forward to hearing.
9/4/2021 04:25:34 am
email me please on the timelines
Hamilton Sekhu
1/20/2016 10:24:52 am
Homo Lomonius,
12/9/2016 02:40:36 pm
I continue to hear that the reversal, and most importantly the wave of light/solar event event will be sometime after 2020 and before the end of that decade. Mostly likely 2022-2025. Ammachi the Indian Saint Guru recently spoke about about a solar event to her devotees during her North American tour. She indicated that the results would be "very bad", and that they should come together in communities and become sustainable. While we don't know for sure how big the solar event will be, even a small x class flair as the magnetic field dramatically weakens would probably make the grids out. Micro-electonics would go even sooner. Think about no internet.
12/3/2017 05:55:46 am
Interesting, Iwoukd like to hear more thank you
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