Four and a half billion years ago, the One created a planet in the Milky Way galaxy upon which it would bring forth a species through which it could incarnate and fully experience and express itself within its creation. For millions of years the emergent divine species has been gestating in the womb of matter. We have been akin to third-dimensional caterpillars, “crawling” on the earth, awaiting our time of collective transformation. Now, we are entering the chrysalis, in which all previous identities are dissolving -- just as a caterpillar’s solidity literally liquifies in its cocoon, in order that its new “butterfly” expression may unfold. It is our destiny to soar in brilliant luminosity as multidimensional, universal beings. As each of us comes to know the luminous divinity at the core of our being as our true nature, we will birth the Luminous Self and thus become the new species. The time of our birthing process has arrived. The human species is ready for its emergence...the unfoldment of its destiny: to express the fullness of God/One/All That Is in the human form..as the new species, Homo Luminous. Everything we see and experience in and around ourselves is part of this birth. Even the innumerable crises that surround us are the pathways through the birth canal of our individual and collective soul, into the light of the New Heaven and New Earth. In perfect timing we shall emerge, truly “born” for the first time as the Luminous One(s), the fullness of the only One that is, shining forth in its full magnificence. At this point in space-time called Planet Earth, the Second Millennium since the First Coming of the One, the Second, Full and complete coming is unfolding. As the Earth and humanity enter the birth canal of the mega-evolutionary leap that is just beginning to unfold, countless gifts of grace are pouring forth to aid in the birthing process. Millions of souls have been called to come to Earth at this time to assist in this great transition. Like you, we are two of those souls, and we have been blessed with numerous gifts of grace that we would like to share with you. Birthing the Luminous Self is the process of awakening to, merging with, and expressing our divine magnificence through every facet of our mind, body and world. As the brilliant radiance of the vast, multidimensional Self comes forth, we shed our limited, earthbound identity. The foundation of the journey is awakening to the soul -- the divine light, love, and life at our core. When we are in conscious communion with the true Self, it becomes our inner guru, guiding our journey of awakening more elegantly and efficiently than any outer teacher or path. About our Work We are evolutionary catalysts who facilitate the process of Birthing the Luminous Self. We have been given the gift of grace of facilitating powerful awakenings to the soul. In our presence people discover their unique path into conscious soul communion. Because our consciousness has become deeply rooted in the soul, those we work with are more easily able to contact their own inner divinity and access its love, healing power, and wise guidance. Our work is deep, direct, and transformative. In sessions and groups, people experience all aspects of the journey of awakening, from the transcendent heights of the multidimensional Self to the depths of their human suffering. Sessions focus on developing the capacity to meet whatever arises, enabling people to embrace all aspects of themselves and their journey within the wholeness of the divine Self. We also share the Transmissions of Grace, which activate the three dimensions of awakened being: enlightenment, enlovenment, and enlifenment. Because the Transmissions heighten awareness of the three primary soul centers, they support a balanced, integrated awakening process. We offer individual sessions and small group teleconferences. We are also available for in-person groups and retreats. Currently we are designing a series of modules to present our offerings in a more structured format through webinars. For a complete overview of our offerings click here. Our formative Experiences Decades ago, before we ever met, each of us awakened to the realization that we were here to assist in the collective awakening. In 1986, Barry was approached by the Office of the Christ to work on their behalf as part of the “ground crew” of the effort being coordinated by this group of ascended and other higher dimensional beings (also known as the Great White Brotherhood). We were brought together shortly thereafter to work as a team. If you’d like to know more about our journey, please read About Us. All of our books, and particularly our first book, Soul Awakening, contain many stories about our own journeys of awakening. During our early days together, we were taken through a series of powerful, foundational experiences that formed the basis for our work. The first of these occurred during a session we were facilitating in The Chrysalis Light Matrix Barry was shown how to create through the guidance of the Office of the Christ. After feeling layer after layer of powerful feelings stemming from childhood sexual abuse, the woman we’ll call Anna slipped into a state of deep, otherworldly peace. As this peace deepened in us all, the room became imbued with a golden light and a quality of divine love beyond anything we had previously experienced. Anna began to transfigure before our eyes; a beatific peace settled over her countenance, and the golden light emanating from her being intensified. After a long silence, during which we all continued to bask in the radiance of this unfathomable love and peace, Anna told us that she was seeing a golden star in the area just above her heart. She went on to say that she now knew this inner light -- not the abuse, or its emotional residue, which has so strongly colored her life -- was her true nature, and that it, and she, were one with all of Creation. A few months later, in another Chrysalis session, a woman we’ll call Ricki wailed loudly and continuously for two hours as she descended into her core pain. No verbal content was shared, but Karen, the facilitator, was inwardly given the understanding that Ricki was clearing the energy of liver cancer. That weekend, during a day-long group, Ricki spontaneously entered into a state of transfiguration. She was clearly being overlit by a far vaster Presence of tremendous light and boundless love. Ricki circled the group, looking deeply into the eyes of each participant, bestowing an immense blessing-grace that could only be described as that of the fully divine human or Christ. These two events formed the purpose and vision for the rest of this incarnation -- to assist as many people as possible to experience and embody the states demonstrated by Anna and Ricki. If you feel called to open to Grace so that you, too, can experience the most exalted truth of your being, we are happy you have found your way to this website. To Learn More... You may already know that a private session is your next step. To set one up,Contact Us. If you would like more background on our work, we recommend reading the following articles, in this order: A Luminous Birth The True Eternal Self The Three Dimensions of Awakening These articles express the basic framework that underlies and unifies all that we’ve been given to share. In our view, to birth the full embodiment of our divinity, all three centers of the soul must awaken and unfold. Not to be confused with the seven major chakras, these three soul centers in the head, heart, and belly regions focalize the soul’s three dimensions of being -- the absolute, spiritual and transcendent; the natural or human soul which arises through material existence; and the spiritual soul or atman, which unites the higher dimensions of existence with the physical, embodied realm of the human self. Most spiritual paths and practices have focused on awakening and unfolding one or possibly two of the soul centers. But if we are to walk the Earth as fully divine humans -- if we are to know ourselves as the luminous Self -- the full unfoldment of all three is essential. The Deepening Communion with the True, Eternal Self experiences are the core of this work, and are available via individual Sessions and eventually through webinars. Ilahinoor offers another starting point in exploring what we offer. This particular Transmission of Grace awakens and deepens communion with the hara or tan tien soul center, just below the navel. This is where the En-Life-enment aspect of the Three Dimensions of Awakening focalizes. When the belly soul center is engaged, it functions as the comforting, nurturing resting place for the soul in the body. An inner fountain continuously circulates the innate intelligence of Life, bathing all aspects of our existence with the quiet wisdom of deep, feminine knowing. The Ilahinoor transmission seems to impart a sense of rootedness in the body and psyche. When this grounding in the belly center is in place, the awakening of the heart and head soul centers is supported by a solid foundation in Life itself. Rather than seeking a transcendent “escape” from embodiment, this approach exalts individuated existence and the flowering of the fully divine, luminous human Self. Two other Transmissions of Grace support the dimensions of awakening associated with the soul centers in the heart area and the head. For more about all three Transmissions of Grace, please consult our second book, Agents of Grace. We are currently preparing webinar modules to present an integrated series of transmissions and associated teachings as a more in-depth program. As they become available, all of our webinars and in-person events can be accessed through our Events Calendar. Consult the Resources section for information on books, DVDs and other materials that offer enriching, enlivening support for the three primary aspects of awakening to the Luminous Self. You may also enjoy checking the Articles section for recent additions. The Links section will direct you to other offerings we have found valuable. Signing up for our Mailing List will bring you our monthly newsletter, which will inform you of webinars as they become available. Be assured we will never share your e-mail address with anyone. Thank you for sojourning a bit with us. We welcome your feedback, and look forward to communing with you further as this joyous mystery of life unfolds. Website by CityMax.com Web Site Builder |