Can we really trust that the Divine knows what's best for us? Is it safe to take our hands off the wheel and let God be in charge? Join us as Karen and I muse over these questions.
One of the exciting things about launching our new website was that we would finally have a blog. This morning, while in the shower, the feeling arose that it was time to make the first entry. This thought was immediately followed by the big question: “What am I going to say?” As the warm water massaged me into the joy of being in a body for another day, I asked myself, “What would be most helpful to say to people?” I wanted the first post to be the quintessential essence of what Karen and I have come to understand during these past 25 years in assisting people to awaken. The inquiry took me right back to the crucial moment in my own journey that formed the nucleus of what was to become the core focus of my own journey and subsequently the hub around which all of the awakening work spun. This time of epiphany I am about to share occurred during the darkest time in this life. In my mid-20s, my life was completely disintegrating in virtually every area. Everything came apart within the course of a year. My wife left me for another man. Buying her out of our condo put me up to my eyeballs in debt. I left a very secure, well-paying job for a potentially lucrative business venture which failed. As a result of all this, my drinking and smoking had gone into the danger zone. I was out of control. |
November 2021