The internet is abuzz with all the various supplements, health regimes, personal protective gear, etc that will help us avoid, and if we do get it, not be badly affected by COVID 19. All of these are important and necessary but they don’t really get to the root or where the cause really is.
Most people on the spiritual path have come to understand that we are responsible for the creation of our life experience. The “Law of Attraction” has been around for a lot longer than the book, “The Secret”, which brought it to the awareness of many. Mystics, sages, shamans and other awakened beings have preached this from the beginning. Outer reality is a holographic mirror of our inner state.
There is a huge responsibility in this awareness and also the greatest of gifts as it is a crucial key to absolute sovereignty and freedom. If it is true that we attract our experiences, then it must also be true that a virus such as COVID 19, is also something we attract. Despite appearances, it doesn’t single us out and attack us. We invite it, unconsciously, into our experience.
Most of us would no consciously choose to invite such a potentially lethal thing for the body into their lives. To the surface level of mind the idea seems absurd. The mind however is like an iceberg, where 10% is above water and conscious, and 90% is below the water and unconscious. We create our reality from both, and as you can see 90% is done so unconsciously. Maybe this explains why so many “bad things” seem to come uninvited into our lives. The question is, are we willing to truly believe that we aren’t victims and take full responsibility? This is a big step on the spiritual path, and most necessary one to awakening and freedom.
When Covid 19 appeared in late January of 2021,
I asked myself the necessary question, “What is the attractor in people that will pull this into their experience. I have a list of a hundred or so emotions that I have used to scan clients for the past three decades. Utilizing applied kinesiology and direct knowing from the Higher Mind to do these sort of tests I went through the list of human emotions. I downloaded a microscopic photo of the virus from the internet in order to have a witness to connect with the quantum hologram of Covid 19. Everything in the universe is a multidimensional holographic pattern of energy~consciousness. If we have a strong witness such as an actual photo we can connect with its quantum hologram.
Why are emotions so important in understanding reality creation? Emotions are the magnetic energy patterns that are the attractor that pull things into our experience. Emotional charge is potent, containing a lot of creative energy, often called shakti in Vedic tradition. It is the stuff that empowers creation. Most of us have experienced what the power of great passion or desire can do in our own lives. It can fuel people to the greatest accomplishments. We also know what an emotions such as shame, guilt or depression can do in the opposite.
Getting back to Covid 19. When I went through the emotional check list I found one emotion and a spiritual quality that stood out, far, far above the rest… fear and separation. These two are the root of the state of consciousness which perceives a fearful world with persons, situations and things “out there” or separate from us, that are dangerous and attack us. Sound like a common state of consciousness we might fall into when faced with a deadly, highly contagious pandemic level virus? I think you get it. It is this, usually unconscious matrix which attracts many things, including this virus into our experience. Knowing this, what can we do to turn this around and utilize it into an opportunity to awaken and become free and sovereign?