This is a long writing, so you may want to chew it in chunks. I hope you find it a worthwhile read.
What happened on this small planet near the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy was not an accident from the largest perspective. It certainly might seem like that at times. Last night the veils were lifted and I saw this on a whole new level. I encountered, once again, the deep tiredness of the soul from being on Earth, and the great passion and desire to go home. The not rare draw to leaving soon arose again, and with it was the existential pain and suffering of being exiled, for so long, from my home. I believe this is the deepest, most profound pain many of us hold, for someplace deep in our minds we remember what it was like before the Fall. Near-death experiences give us a glimpse and remembrance of what lies ahead.
This being we know as Barry Martin came forth out of the Godhead long ago, although time has no meaning in eternity. I came forth into the angelic realms, a Seraphim, whose role it was to assist in the carrying out of particular aspects of the divine plan for creation, as they came from Father~Mother God, the Elohim, Councils of Light, and the Paradise Sons. For many eons I served in those luminous realms where the eternal light of the Father and the perfect divine creation of the Mother was all that was and is. In fact, nothing else was known or even conceived of as possible.
These are not the only realms in God's creation. There are the realms of becoming, in which Father-Mother God dances to birth ever-new forms of creation. New planets, galaxies and universes spin out beyond the edge of where the sons and daughters of God experience constant communion with the Godhead. These realms are known as the lower dimensions or dust worlds, such as that of Earth, in which creation exists in third-dimensional time and space. In these realms, evolving forms are slowly acquiring more of the luminous light, love, life and consciousness of the Source Creator. Over long periods of time, forms evolve and come forth to incarnate more of the divine impulse and image. There is not a full conscious realization of unity with the Source Creator at these levels. An inconscience reigns, as these dimensions are negatively polarized towards the feminine and form aspect. There is absolutely nothing evil or wrong with these realms. They are the outer garden, in which the richness and depth of God's creation is growing and coming forth.
Souls from the divine realms did not incarnate into these lower realms because there were not yet forms here capable of manifesting the full consciousness of the Source Creator. Because these forms were negatively polarized, the pure spirit impulse would necessarily involute as it descended into these forms. In fact, this was the process by which these forms would slowly evolve. In ever-greater increments, the monadic spirit of Source would dance with the Divine mother and her form creation to continue to evolve new and more perfect forms.
It was never meant for individualized souls, with the divine flame of the Source Creator at the center of their being, to descend and incarnate into these lower realms, especially that of the third dimension. It would be impossible for these beings to stay awake to the pure spirit presence of Source Creator within them in these negatively polarized realms. The full presence of Source is simply not present within this level of density. This was inherently understood in the divine domains, including those of all the angelic orders. Now it is to be understood that the Source Creator is all loving, and to be all loving is to be all allowing. It is also to understand that God is All That Is, and thus is continually exploring all possibilities to better know and realize itself. That is the primary impulse of God through its creation. It is a continuous process of divine play and exploration in which God, through its infinite variety of forms in all dimensions of the multi-verse, is coming to know itself through its incarnated form presences. Because God is infinite, there is no limit to its possibilities, and because God is love there is complete allowance for all those possibilities to be explored.