There is only one answer, one solution to the myriad problems, of the human condition and that is remembrance of and full union with God and our true Self which are really one. This may seem so simple and obvious as to be easily brushed off or discounted by the mind of someone who has been on the path for a while. I realize, however, the truth of this more than ever. It is so simple that a child could understand this, but it is the sophisticated ego minds that 21st-century human beings have constructed that keep us from perceiving the obvious.
God, is absolutely everything that we seek, for God is all that is. The inherent nature of the One is holy, pure and perfect divinity. Its very nature and essence is absolute freedom, joy, love, happiness, abundance and every other quality or characteristic or capacity we seek. All this is ours because of our unity with that One. We are each created as aspects of the Source, identical in every way. There is nothing that the One is that we are not, therefore we inherently already possess everything that God has~is.
The obvious question, then, is and why is humanity experiencing that which seems to be so often the opposite of this? The only and obvious answer is that we have lost touch with our Source. We have unplugged ourselves from the divine acting as though we are separate beings on our own. We believe we are the source creators of our own being. We think that we can make ourselves, and create the life that we desire. That’s the meme of modern society which is based in separate egoic consciousness.