There is only one answer, one solution to the myriad problems, of the human condition and that is remembrance of and full union with God and our true Self which are really one. This may seem so simple and obvious as to be easily brushed off or discounted by the mind of someone who has been on the path for a while. I realize, however, the truth of this more than ever. It is so simple that a child could understand this, but it is the sophisticated ego minds that 21st-century human beings have constructed that keep us from perceiving the obvious.
God, is absolutely everything that we seek, for God is all that is. The inherent nature of the One is holy, pure and perfect divinity. Its very nature and essence is absolute freedom, joy, love, happiness, abundance and every other quality or characteristic or capacity we seek. All this is ours because of our unity with that One. We are each created as aspects of the Source, identical in every way. There is nothing that the One is that we are not, therefore we inherently already possess everything that God has~is.
The obvious question, then, is and why is humanity experiencing that which seems to be so often the opposite of this? The only and obvious answer is that we have lost touch with our Source. We have unplugged ourselves from the divine acting as though we are separate beings on our own. We believe we are the source creators of our own being. We think that we can make ourselves, and create the life that we desire. That’s the meme of modern society which is based in separate egoic consciousness.
But, because we are identical, at a smaller scale, to that one we have the same free will and capacity to create that it does. So it was possible for us to dream a dream of being separate beings, divorced from our source and all of life. We could dream the possibility of self-exploration and self creation all on our own. The only problem with this dream is that the idea itself is impossible and insane. It is like the drop of water in the ocean conceiving that they could have an existence separate and apart from the ocean. If it did it would but evaporate in a few moments only to find itself eventually back as part of the ocean. And that's pretty much the story of the journey of the human soul.
When we dream the dream of separation we immediately create a false relative reality in which all that God is now separate and apart from our being. And that necessarily immediately cuts us off from the very source of everything divine, everything that creates and sustains life. Even though this is ultimately impossible because we can never be separate, we can create a relative reality that plays out this ultimate illusion to a considerable degree. Look around at the state of the earth and you will see testimony to this everywhere.
When we divorce ourselves from the spiritual light and presence of the Source, it is akin to unplugging ourselves from everything that we need and are. Where that light was, is now shadow and darkness. What we experience in the absence of our divine nature, the w(holiness) of God is the opposite or inversion. Love is replaced by fear and hatred, the experience of oneness by separation and isolation. Peace is replaced by agitation, conflict and disease. Joy becomes sorrow. Abundance is replaced by lack, freedom by bondage and limitation. All the myriad of things that we suffer from are really only the apparent absence or lack of who and what we and God are.
There is only one way to escape the pain and suffering of all these things, and that is to look at how they were made. It all comes back to our desire to experience separation from God. We've done that now for hundreds, maybe thousands of lifetimes. It was a journey that the One allowed us because of its love for us and its unwillingness to interfere because of its love and to honor of our own free will. To deny us these things is to deny itself because we are it.
God never abandoned us, we abandoned God and thus our true selves. Only by recognizing that the only answer to everything is to remember and come back into conscious union with God and our true selves, will we ever find all that we are looking for.
We are like drunken, drugged amnesiacs, wandering in a trance and stupor because of this original decision. Because we are asleep, we are unconscious to our unconsciousness. We do not know how to find our way back home. But the answer again is always the same….. God! The omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence of the one knows exactly how to reawaken us and bring us back into full conscious communion. We do not need to know anything about this. Knowing this we know the path home. It is to simply admit that we have no idea how to find our way back home to God and our true selves as the only means to the restoration of the Edenic experience we forfeited so long ago. God knows! God can! God will? If we can but fully grasp this, all we need to do is to fully surrender our whole existence to that One and ask it to bring us home. Failure is impossible when we do so. The end of our suffering lies before us. The restoration of our experience of living in a divine state is assured. This is the first step back home to recognize what happened to us and to know the only solution.
The second step is to seize upon the obvious solution that this realization brings us. This asks us to throw ourselves at the feet of God and ask forgiveness for all the distortions and mis-creations caused by the desire to experience separation and to ask to be brought back into conscious communion. When we have done so from our heart of hearts, in the depths of our soul, path home is wide open.