An Introduction to
Awakening at the End of Time
by Barry Martin Snyder

We've crossed many thresholds in this collective journey, such as Harmonic Convergence in 1987, the new millennium in 2000 and the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012. All of these were important mile-markers in the journey of the shift of the ages, but none proved to be that crucial moment at which we passed into the cauldron of the intense death/rebirthing process that we intuited lay ahead. We built up a lot of images and expectations of major events occurring, but they just never came to pass.
The reason I felt to write this post is because Karen and I, along with others we feel are tuned in, have received insight that within the last period of time we have completely gone beyond what was left of the old cycle and are now in the death/rebirth matrix. The dance of Shiva and Kali at the end of Kali Yuga, the Tribulation in the Bible, and the moment of the great transformation prophesied in so many traditions seem to be upon us. We are spiraling into an interdimensional vortex so rapidly that even the memory of any semblance of the reality we once knew is dissolving in and around us.
Now that we've passed into the time of exponential transformation, what is going on? What is asked of us at this time -- a time that is beyond time? That’s what we attempt to grapple with and explore in this and future “Awakening at the End of Time” blog posts. We will focus on bringing more illumination and consciousness to these most critical times in our personal and planetary evolutionary process.
Every moment now is precious. It is about staying present and aware of everything that is transpiring, for all that we experience is conspiring to awaken us. The rate at which evolutionary stimuli are erupting on the screen of our inner and outer awareness is almost dizzying for most of us. These personal and planetary perturbations will have an ever-greater psychic impact. Being present with it all, fully facing and embracing whatever is occurring as a gift of grace to catalyze our awakening, is the path. For despite the appearances of chaos and distortion that seem to be occurring everywhere on this planet, an infinitely loving intelligence is guiding everything. Not one thing can unfold that is not orchestrated by this infinitely loving beingness.
As ever more disturbing outer events occur, they are revealing all the unconscious distortion and delusion that have led to the conflict, disease, and death that we see all around us. All of this has to be brought to the surface, emptied out onto the screen of individual and collective consciousness, so we can face and transform/transcend what has been causing our suffering and limitation. We are in the times of the apocalypse, which in Greek means “the revelation of that which has been hidden.”
That’s part of the setup. As human beings operating from the separate ego, we can't and won’t be able to keep up with the evolutionary pace, and our feelings of overwhelm will only increase. We cannot do this on our own, or from our existing state of conscious realization. It's often been said that we cannot solve a problem from the level or context in which it exists. Living identified as separate human personalities, asleep to our true, eternal, divine nature, is the source of every problem we face. This is the only issue going on here. Only the foolish arrogance of our separate, egoic nature could possibly think that, at a human level, we know how to solve the problems of the world or how to awaken ourselves.
This is the very same ego that has gotten us into this mess. Wouldn't it be the height of folly to rely on this level of consciousness for our salvation? The sense of self we are identified with cannot make it through the zero point into the new age. We must die to this false, limited sense of self, and all that this state of consciousness has created must dissolve so a new creation can arise out of the purified, undifferentiated essence left in the ashes of ego-dissolution. It's planetary composting time, my friends, and we're going to be watching a lot of that unfolding in the days ahead.
I felt hesitant to write this blog post and the possible series of posts that may follow, because it's really not about information anymore. In fact, the information age is over and the transformation age is in high gear. Those who are to be part of this new awakening species are experiencing an accelerating process of dissolving the existing identity~reality matrix, while the essence of their true, eternal divine nature is rushing forth from the core of their being. An inner explosion of light and spiritual presence is dissolving our human ego~personality identified sense of self so we can more fully express our true, eternal nature.
Has there ever been a more pivotal time? Even while we may be asked to deal with more than ever in the outer world, we are also impelled to turn inward, to spin a transformational chrysalis around ourselves to support this process of death and rebirth. The physical, human, “caterpillar” self sense is dissolving into the divine, luminous, soul-awakened “butterfly” we are becoming. Can we embrace this process as the primary facet of our existence? As we do, we recognize that everything else is just the shrubbery along the path.
To the degree that we surrender into this evolutionary imperative, we see that everything -- no matter how it may first appear -- conspires to support us in awakening to our true, luminous Self. Many of us are losing interest in the things of the world that used to bring satisfaction. And aspects of our lives that we still enjoy but no longer serve us are being taken away. More unconscious content is bubbling up from the shadows of our inner world, ready for transformation. The ways we have defined ourselves and our lives are giving way to a truer, more essential self sense. As we turn inward, face what we need to see, and shed layer after layer of false self, the luminous divinity of our true Self blazes forth from the Lotus of our Soul.
This is why we are here. This is the fundamental reason we have taken embodiment yet again -- to awaken at last to our truest Self and live as That in the time that remains to us.
In this series of "Awakening at the End of Time" blog posts, I'll share the journey that Karen and I have been on, what those we are blessed to work with are experiencing, and the insights and epiphanies that keep us all going. These articles express our experiences and understandings, which are never meant to be the "Truth" of what is occurring. May they serve as grist for the mill for your journey of finding out what is real and true for you.
Some of what we discuss may trigger deep emotional reactions in you, as it has in us. In the next few posts, we will share how we see and interpret what is going on the planet, particularly the energy and environmental crises humanity faces. This material can be very hard to look at, and may engender feelings of fear, hopelessness, overwhelm and despair. We will explore how even the most troubling possibilities can be embraced as the gifts of grace they truly are.
So many things, individually and collectively, appear to be far beyond our ability to cope. Opening our minds and hearts to all that arises in our experience can seem completely overwhelming. And this is exactly the way it is supposed to be, for the sense of self that is overwhelmed by them must face its impotence. We must realize that to the degree we go on living as separate ego-identified human beings, we are not going to get ourselves out of this mess. The moment of epiphany arrives when it dawns on our awakening minds that if our current state of being continues, we are doomed. This is one of the greatest doorways that we can walk through, individually and collectively. More of us are stepping across the threshold with each passing day.
Walking through the doorway of ego-dissolution and surrender, we turn inward and upward into the transcendental realms of being, where we will reconnect with God and our true, eternal Self, which are One. In this communion, we tap into the infinite grace that has the capacity to transcend and resurrect everything we face. This is why it is all-important to seek the absolute truth about what is arising on every level, from the physical to the spiritual. Our challenge is not to avoid or deny anything that's occurring, for it is here to catalyze our death and rebirth process -- as individual souls and as a species.
It is in this spirit that we embark upon this journey with you. We will look at what is transpiring on this planet at this time, from the perspective of both our human, dying, caterpillar selves and our emerging, divine, soul-awakened butterfly selves. As we journey together, always remember that what is death to the caterpillar is birth to the butterfly.