Karen I first became aware of the coronavirus almost 2 months ago. It jumped out at us while cruising the Web and let us know that it was something of great significance. This has proven to be the truth. So here we are now in the middle of this, and all of us are asking what is it really about, where is it all going and what does this mean for me, my loved ones, and the world?
The answer I've come to is that the coronavirus is just a huge planetary Rorschach pattern given to us to reflect our state of consciousness back to our Self so that we can awaken. It speaks to us on all levels, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual, reflecting back exactly what needs to be stimulated in us. In truth, everything that occurs to us is just this, because in reality there is no objective "world" out there. This is what the great spiritual adepts have always told us, and quantum physics validates this as truth. In the quantum world the mere presence of an observer affects the outcome. That is not just limited to the quantum world, but applies to all reality holographically. That is what reality is -- a holographic projection of our minds. Just as the Buddhists hold, the “world” is simply Mind, with a capital M. It's one gigantic projection of consciousness, a multidimensional dream that we are creating individually and collectively.
As we come to the End of Time, time is warping and bending as is reality itself. We are already between the worlds, no longer in the dissolving third-dimensional reality and yet not fully seated in the higher-dimensional world that is to come. So what we’re witnessing is really a dissolution of our old third-dimensional reality-mind matrix. Many of us are aware that there is no going back. We are not going to return to the world that existed in 2019 and before. The physical evidence is obvious with this virus and the global economic~financial meltdown that is upon us. It's landed right here in our laps, in our physical world. What many of us have already known previously in consciousness is now made manifest in our outer worlds. We knew this world was ending and that we were going on to a new, more luminous and loving world, the one we always have wanted and knew was coming. And despite all appearances, what we’re experiencing right now with the coronavirus and the economic collapse is that path.
The universe at the deepest, truest level is based in love. The universe of fear and separation is the projection of our minds and is an ultimate illusion. But, our minds are extremely powerful when charged with emotion and fueled by our innate divinity. We are holographic, fractal aspects of God~One~All That Is. We are not separate from the Source Creator. We co-dream this reality with Source. We have co-dreamed a world based in fear and separation, and in that world there are things “out there" that we need to fear. Things “out there” that will come and attack us. Things “out there” that will validate that we are separate, physical beings disconnected from our true, eternal divine nature.
How can we awaken to our true nature when we hold these things subconsciously in our minds? Remember that ten percent of the mind is conscious and ninety percent is unconscious, akin to an iceberg of which only a small portion is visible above the water. The coronavirus and its attendant economic and financial collapse are evolutionary drivers that are asking us to dive deep down into those feelings that are arising so that we can face and embrace whatever we've denied and repressed. The fears, doubts, shame, hatred, and all the rest are based in the illusion of separation, and have to be cleared so that the luminous divinity in the core of our being can be revealed. How can we co-create a new EarthHeaven when we're still seeing and projecting through these unconscious filters? It's impossible!
We are in the Apocalypse. The Greek derivation of this word simply means to reveal that which has been hidden. All of us to one degree or another have been carrying around some portion of fear- and separation-based illusion in our unconscious. Even those of us on the spiritual path have a lot of fear, which is often denied in our attempts to be more spiritual. In our work with people over the last three decades, we have come to realize facing and embracing this subconscious material in the lower chakras is the most important and difficult part of the work.
This is the fierce gift of grace that these twin evolutionary drivers, the virus and the economic downturn, are bringing to us. At an absolute level both of these appearances on the world stage are based in love alone. A loving universe sends messengers to mirror back to us what we have unconsciously created, so that we can face and embrace it all within ourselves. This is the only way that it will move on. The coronavirus and the economic collapse are stimulating a lot of fear to surface from the unconscious mind. This is an important step in receiving the gifts that both of these catalysts have to give us. This process is not something that is negative, that needs to be gotten rid of as quickly as possible. It is here to help us see and free ourselves.
Many years ago Karen and I both had experiences during which we were shown the truth that it is a completely loving universe in which there is really nothing “out there” that comes to attack us. Knowing this is one thing, and embodying it is quite another level of realization. I must admit that neither one of us has completely realized this ultimate truth! We both wore masks to town the other day because neither one of us felt sure that we were so awake and realized that this virus would not have a place to land in us. So, while we each seek to embrace the truth, we must also live in humility as to what we have fully realized.
One of the experiences that profoundly shaped us spiritually occurred in the early 1990s on the island of O'ahu in Hawai'i. We've come to call it the Jellyfish Story. I'll tell the simple version here; for the whole story, see our first book, Soul Awakening.
Karen was floating around in the azure waters off Lanikai Beach on the North Shore of O'ahu on a beautiful sunny afternoon, when she suddenly felt as though her back and arms were on fire. A Portuguese man-of-war had wrapped itself around her torso. I was in the house when I heard her run screaming out of the water. I went out to find her in near-shock and excruciating pain, with jellyfish tentacles clinging to her hair and huge red welts beginning to appear all over her upper body. Fear was my first reaction, and with it the inclination to get her to the hospital as quickly as possible. As this was occurring a powerful descent of spirit began, and I felt guided to ask her to sit down and ground and center for a moment. I found myself asking Karen if she wanted to work with this, to which she replied, “Yes.”
I had Karen drop into her breathing and be completely present with what she was experiencing, feeling every bit of it. Wave after wave of excruciating physical pain as well as fear surfaced into her mind and feeling world. I kept holding space, connecting to Source, and encouraging her to breathe and feel and give it up to God. We invoked the assistance of Source Creator and the Christ, with whom we work, and turned the whole experience over to Them. Experience had shown us that when we did this, we could trust that we would be led step by step through the resolution of whatever was arising. “Breathe, feel and give it up to God.” “Breathe, feel and give it up to God.” This was the invocation and intention we affirmed and embarked upon in faith and trust.
Slowly the waves of intense fear and pain began to diminish. As these subsided, Karen's higher consciousness reopened, and she began to receive insights into how and why this event had been brought into her experience. She realized that she had been carrying a lot of fear and worry about our financial situation for some time. As she swam in the ocean, she was contemplating having to work at a health food store in Honolulu, doing heavy lifting and other physical labor. Our sessions just weren't generating sufficient income for us to live on. Being in the water -- a potent psychic conductive medium -- with all this coursing through her mind attracted the mirror image of her fear in the form of the jellyfish, which had come in love to shock her out of her waking nightmare. As Karen looked at her fears, doubts, worries and coping strategies, and gave them all back to God, the mental and spiritual levels of distortion began to release. She saw that she was held lovingly in the arms of God and had nothing to worry about. She knew in her heart of hearts that she was carried completely and that she could trust God implicitly. These revelations were associated with a potent inpouring light, love and divine presence. The big, red welts on her arms began to subside. Within thirty minutes they were all but gone, as Karen came to the point of utter gratitude for what it occurred. She blessed the jellyfish and thanked God that this whole event had happened to give her the opportunity to free herself from her self-created bondage. Having received all the gifts of the experience, and having released the mental, emotional and spiritual "overcoats" that were clouding the radiance of her true nature, there was no longer any reason for the pain and suffering to continue. In the loving universe in which we live, there is nothing out there that comes to harm us. We call all such difficult experiences to ourselves so that we may free ourselves of the deeper pain and suffering we’ve been carrying.
The lessons of this experience have continued to bless our own lives and our work with people for more than three decades. We know that these principles are universally true. While in some moments the coronavirus and the unfolding economic collapse have triggered some fear and worry within both of us, we continue to breathe and feel and give it all up to God so we can be led beyond our suffering, step by step. No one is perfect in this. It is a spiritual skill or capacity that develops over time as it is applied. It is understandable and expected that we will get caught from time to time and give power to world events of such magnitude. There are a lot of us amplifying these illusions. That too is part of this journey. Even this is held within the loving mind and heart of God.
As we continue to do our best to surrender and give it up to God, asking that we be carried through this, we can be certain that we will be. Continuing to surrender and face and embrace whatever arises within our experience is how we are taken beyond it. The path beyond is right through the middle of it. We've discovered that our stuff is not IN the way, it IS the Way. Awakening is not about trying to rise above it all spiritually and disconnect from our embodied experience. That will not work. If we open our minds and hearts to all the feelings and thoughts that are there and turn them over, we will be led through them all to a place of peace and heightened awareness, just as Karen was after the jellyfish sting.
We are all in this together; we are all on the same journey. As Ram Dass liked to say, We are all walking each other Home. Let's remember to support each other to come back to the truth and not give power to the illusions of fear and victimization that are so understandable in world events of this magnitude. From the third-dimensional perspective, this time we're in can look very scary and overwhelming. But that perspective is not the real truth, but a relative, apparent reality. It is not to dismiss this level of reality, but it is not to give it ultimate truth or power. In that way we will stay grounded while being connected to our true Self and God, which is the goal of this human experience.