Now, as we enter 2020, we can see the changes accelerating on an outer, physical level, as well as on all the inner levels. No one knows exactly what this first year of the second decade of the new millennium will bring, but the outer signs that have manifested early in 2020 seem to indicate that things are ratcheting up to another level.
As 2019 transitioned into 2020 we witnessed unprecedented global warming-driven heat and fires ravaging Australia. Tensions increased dramatically as the US and Iran traded what are technically acts of war, even though they are not identified as such. The president of the largest country in the world has been impeached. The Congress and American people are deeply polarized over what should be done on this and other matters, and even the efficacy of truth and morality is blurring. The stock market soars to new highs while less than half of Americans (40%) would be capable of scraping together $1000 in an emergency. Homeless camps proliferate in major cities, especially in California in the shadows of multi-million dollar homes and skyscrapers. Global debt is at record highs and it appears clear that there is not enough capital in the global economy to facilitate the change to renewable energy. A global Coronavirus pandemic may be unfolding as 56 million Chinese in 17 cities are in lockdown, while cases are being reported worldwide. So many signs of breakdown of our planetary culture are manifesting, we may wonder if this is the start of an accelerating process.
What we are witnessing is the outer, physical manifestation of an inner, psycho-spiritual process. The real story here is that the descent of the luminous presence that is incarnating onto this planet has just taken another great step in coming into manifestation,. The chaos we are witnessing is simply the byproduct of the necessary purification we must go through, as individuals and as a species. Many of us have spent decades waiting for this time, and now we are beginning to see it unfold rapidly and powerfully.
The multi-verse is so profoundly based in love that every opportunity and hope was given for as many humans as possible to wake up, so that the suffering would be lessened during the coming changes. In a way, this was a gamble by the spiritual hierarchy of this planet. By prolonging the period of grace, when the changes finally did manifest they would occur over a much more condensed and possibly intense period of time. It's like putting the lid on the pressure cooker, or slowly compressing a spring. Unless the pressure is released on some level, when the time comes to take the lid off or release the spring, the reaction is much more dramatic.
In the unfathomable love of a Mother/Father God, there comes a time when, at the end of an age, the most loving and compassionate thing to do is to wipe the slate clean of all that is unlike the pure light ~presence ~consciousness of the incoming age. When the species begins to create ever more karma and destruction, and the viability of the planetary life support system is in question, there is no choice from the place of love and wisdom but to stop the accumulation of karma, disease and death. This what happened in Atlantis at the close of the last cycle.In this light, when Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris burned, we knew something very significant had occurred. Notre Dame is the most widely known focus of the Divine Mother presence as Mother Mary on the planet. Divine Mother has been holding, protecting and nourishing her children, even while they have been destroying life on this Earth. When the roof of Notre Dame caught fire and burned away, we felt it symbolized the overlighting protection of The Mother being withdrawn. Mother Mary has appeared in places like Garabandal, Fatima, Lourdes and Medjugorje, and her message to humanity has always been the same: Turn back to God, or experience a great chastisement. Perhaps the time of “chastisement” or karmic return is here.
Whatever lies ahead for the human species, there is no punishment or judgment inherent in any of it. Many believe our species has failed — that we are a cancer upon the Earth. It is understandable how this opinion is reached when witnessing the immense damage and destruction to life homo sapiens has caused, leading to the real possibility that the Sixth Great Extinction might wipe us all out. From our perspective, there are simply universal and natural laws that form the architecture of Creation, and they are loving and life-supporting. When we violate them, we set into motion the feedback loops necessary to assist us to learn and grow. Spiritual unfoldment has always been the bigger story framing all that occurs on Earth. In the evolutionary story of this planet, once a species reaches the apex of what is possible, it exits the stage so a more advanced species can appear. That is where homo sapiens sapiens is at present. This species is about to give way to the new species, Homo luminous.
At the beginning of our most recent book, Awakening at the End of Time, we tell the story of the prokaryotes, the first species that floated in the Earth’s primordial seas billions of years ago. These single-celled organisms were the most basic life-forms possible. Their existence was defined by simply absorbing nutrients from the seas; they were barely sentient and incapable of any movement or action on their own. Life was good for the prokaryotes — they multiplied and multiplied until they became a threat to their own existence. As the nutrients in the ancient oceans became depleted, rapid die-off ensued and it seemed as though this species would come to its end.
But then, something happened for which there is no reasonable physical explanation. In the face of apparent extinction, as the species was being decimated by its own overpopulation and growth, something magic began to unfold in a few of those organisms. Within them, a new structure spontaneously emerged that converted carbon dioxide, the predominant gas in that early atmosphere, to sugar and nutrients. This occurred through the brand-new capability called photosynthesis.
Suddenly, these organisms had a new and virtually unlimited source of nutrition and energy. Where did this new capacity come from? No biologist, chemist or physicist can tell us why the alchemical transformation occurred. Those answers cannot be known at a physical level. Something, somewhere beyond this physical Earth caused a transformation that opened up a whole new cycle of evolution, birthing a new species, cyanobacteria. This new species flourished in what was a carbon dioxide-saturated atmosphere, toxic to any other potential form of life at that time, and began to emit oxygen through the photosynthesis process. The atmosphere of Earth began to change as the carbon dioxide was replaced with oxygen, which later became the basis for further evolutionary developments, most importantly the entire plant kingdom. An extremely intelligent, wise, loving and powerful level of beingness seemed to have intervened.
Humanity is at the same place in its evolutionary cycle that the prokaryotes were billions of years ago. We’re certainly at a much higher rung on the evolutionary ladder, but the basic underlying gestalt is the same. We have taken the exploration of our humanhood as far as it can go on a third-dimensional, physical level. We are threatening ourselves and all species, and even potentially Mother Gaia herself. Many scientists agree that we are already in the early stages of the Sixth Great Extinction, as unknown numbers of species vanish each year. The current geological age is called the Anthropocene by those who believe the dominant climatological impact on this planet has been created by human beings. Our species has developed mental capacities capable of great creative acts, but we have not yet discovered the immense wisdom and love that reside within our souls. And it is this that places our species, along with so many others, on the verge of the Sixth Great Extinction. Yet this is also the very circumstantial matrix that will propel our next evolutionary leap.
Do we mourn this or stand in judgment of ourselves individually or as a species? Or is there another way to view what is unfolding? The evolutionary story of this planet is one of a succession of extinction crises followed by the birth of new, higher-order species. And here we are again. There is no going back to the world we once knew; evolution knows only one vector…straight ahead. We can only go forward into the mystery of this transformational process that is building momentum with each passing day. The myriad crises arising all around us are also the very evolutionary drivers toward our next, necessary evolutionary leap. Facing extinction is the doorway, the singularity through which we must pass into a higher-dimensional New Heaven and New Earth.
How do we surrender into and align ourselves with this process? It takes us to the deepest levels of ourselves, for we, as individuals and as a species, are dying to who and what we thought we were. Our old identities — mental, emotional, physical and even spiritual — must dissolve away so that a multidimensional, soul-infused beingness can emerge. Our task now is to confront and move through any denial, to face and transcend the delusion that we can maintain this world as we have known it. This is not easy — our human, egoic beingness resists looking at anything that threatens its self-concept and way of being. Facing what is happening is probably the most difficult thing we'll ever have to do in this life. But it is also the only way forward into the rebirth that will be luminous and magnificent beyond anything we can imagine.
Facing and embracing the reality of where we are is the necessary first step in this journey. Then, as we surrender into the evolutionary flow, the doors will open and grace will pour forth in torrents. Everything is wanting to carry us through this great transformation into the blessing-grace of our new, fully soul-awakened state. Each of us will discover for ourselves that when we give way to denial, clinging, and attachment, we suffer. When we let go and let the divine current carry us, we find that we actually enjoy the ride in more and more moments.
Our most recent book, Awakening at the End of Time dives into the myriad facets of the great death and rebirth process that is underway. The first half of the book examines where we are as a species from a third-dimensional, physical perspective. It considers the state of the planet and humanity in the areas of economics, environment, climate, and energy, the major underpinnings of our global, techno–industrial culture. This first section brings us face-to-face with the reality that we are in a very similar situation to that of the prokaryotes in the primal ocean, billions of years ago. A wealth of links to source materials substantiate the sometimes startling perspectives presented in the first section of the book.
The second half of Awakening at the End of Time offers a multidimensional, spiritual perspective on what is unfolding. Throughout the timeless eons of Creation, the Divine has always had one great desire — to know itself through its embodied experience within a multitude of manifested forms of being. As human beings, we each contain a spark of the One Great Being, which allows us to express this divine desire through our explorations of all that our souls wish to experience. Individually and collectively, over millennia, we’ve traveled through the successive stages of soul evolution that have brought us to this critical evolutionary moment. Delving into the essence of the evolutionary process that is underway, these chapters delineate the many factors and influences at planetary, solar, and galactic levels that are catalyzing this great transformation. The information and insights here can expedite aligning yourself with this great evolutionary process so that you can fully participate in it.
That a new, luminous species will come forth as the dissolution of the old ways of being accelerates has been predicted by indigenous spiritual traditions for thousands of years. We are each like a caterpillar entering a transformational cocoon to dissolve away and die to all that it thought it was, so its divine, butterfly nature can emerge. As this process unfolds it may be helpful to contemplate the words of a wise soul who once said, “What is death to the caterpillar is birth to the butterfly.”