The supramental force of light, long awaited by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, first touched down upon the Earth on February29, 1956. It has been building in strength, silently and for the most part invisibly ever since then. To understand what this force means, let’s quickly explore various levels of creation and consciousness.
Before anything began, before there were worlds of creation anchored in space and time, there was Primordial Consciousness, the Infinite Self, an undifferentiated field of Universal Consciousness. This Primordial Consiousness dwells at the heart of all things, while also Self-existing beyond the worlds of creation. Since this Consciousness exists beyond Time, there was never a time when it was not, and since it exists beyond space, it is eternally present beyond all dimensions of the physical universe.
All creation is holographically linked within this Primordial Consciousness, sometimes simply referred to as the Universal Self, or the Spirit that Moves through All Things. It is our deepest identity, an undifferentiated state of awareness beyond all experience of separation and duality. While pervading everything within the created worlds, the Self remains at the same timeuntouched beyond creation.
Primordial Consciousness is constantly seeking to express itself through the act of creation, and to find itself reflected within the field of creation. All things within creation thus have a form aspect as well as a formless aspect, oscillating back and forth between these two states of awareness trillions of times every second. Although the science of creation was well understood by ancient yogis, the twin sciences of quantum mechanics and plasma cosmology are also beginning to formulate how this process works.
The problem is that even though Primordial Consciousness exists within all Creation, it is not necessarily aware of Itself within the field of creation. The act of creation creates a veiling effect, known as ‘maya’, which tends to hide the aspect of us within creation from the aspect of us beyond creation. And this is the source of all our perceived separation and suffering.
Essentially, the supramental descent is about removing this veil, so that all Creation can experience itself clearly and
transparently as Primordial Consciousness. As we can imagine, this is not a little thing. As long as time and space have existed, we have experienced this veiling of ‘maya’. This has been necessary up to a certain point in the involutionary journey. But now finally, physical consciousness has evolved to a point where it is ready to experience itself as primordial consciousness.
This is the opportunity that stands before us at this time. Gaia, in her cosmic identity as Mahashakti, or Cosmic Mother, has been given the role and responsibility for making this happen, and so has been patiently evolving the human species, along with the cetaceans, to make possible this great task. We have incarnated on earth at this time, from across vast expanses of time and space, to unravel the inherited density of Maya.
This moment that the Mother refers to in February 1956 was a pivotal moment in this work. But this was simply a seed being sown. It is up to us now to continue anchoring the supramental light in order to consciously shape the next wave of cosmic evolution.
By Kiara Windrider
January 9, 2020
“But what has happened, the really new thing, is that a new world is born... It is not the old one transforming itself, it is a new world which is born. And we are right in the midst of thIs period transition where the two are entangled - where the other still persists all-powerful and entirely dominating the ordinary consciousness, but where the new one is quietly slipping in, still very modest, unnoticed - unnoticed to the extent that outwardly it doesn’t disturb anything very much, for the time being, and that in the consciousness of most people it is even altogether imperceptible. And yet it is working, growing - until it is strong enough to assert itself visibly.”
-- The Mother
If a new world has been born, as the Mother claims, why can’t we see it? Why do we seem to be moving closer to the edge of the precipice each passing day? Why so much insanity in our political leadership? Why doesn’t someone tell our governments, our CEO’s, our bankers and decision-makers, that it’s time to move on? Why the ever increasing climate catastrophes?
There is a story that when European ships first landed on the shores of North America, the original inhabitants of that land simply couldn’t see them. They didn’t have a concept in their minds for ships that big, and so it simply did not register in their consciousness. The shamans, accustomed to stretching the boundaries of awareness, were the first to perceive them, and once they did, everyone else was able to see them as well.
Perhaps it is not so different with us, and our expectations of the supramental world. Would it help us notice this world ‘quietly slipping in’ if we knew what to look for?
Light always casts a shadow, and the stronger the light the darker its shadow. As the light of greater self-awareness enters into our world, it also brings up the shadows buried deep in our collective history, shadows of genocide and war, aggression and greed, hatred and fear. These things are becoming more visible, and the world of nature is reflecting this, but we must remember not to mistake shadows for darkness. It is only because of the increasing illumination that these shadows are being made visible.
To go a step further, the supramental light is a light that transcends duality, and illuminates from within. It takes us beyond entrenched positions of good and evil, right and wrong, and can therefore dispel darkness in a non-oppositional way. If things appear to be bad, can we imagine how much worse they could be if the forces of darkness would truly have their way? What if we realised that darkness was another face of the same light? And that the Great Mother can embrace it all?
Whenever there is a ‘descent’ there is corresponding resistance. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother speak of their experience with the four Asuras, essentially anti-divine forces, at work in the world today. There is the Asura of Darkness, the Asura of Suffering, The Asura of Falsehood, and the Asura of Death. These are the forces that are so outwardly apparent, and which seem to be in control of current global events.
With the descent of this new vibratory consciousness, all our obsolete human structures are being demolished. However, Sri Aurobindo emphasized that although the changes will be enormous they would not be necessarily catastrophic. The power of Truth automatically erases Falsehood, and our world for the most part consists of Falsehood. Yet, the Supramental, he maintained, carried a power of harmonization which could overcome this resistance by means other than dramatic struggle and violence. The Asuras will eventually be absorbed into their original emanations of Light, Life, Beauty and Truth. With all the violence still persisting in our world, it is interesting to imagine the scale of destruction we could have experienced
already if not for this power of harmonization!