He succeeded in bringing the supramental force into his own body to a certain extent, and transferred this force to the Mother upon his own passing in 1950. He then continued his work from another plane and the supramental descent took place on 29 February 1956. Mother announced that the pathway was open so that this unifying force could now incarnate like a seed within the collective consciousness of humanity.
We are not talking merely about a spiritual awakening for humanity but a species transformation. It is a biological shift in the morphogenetic fields of our cellular DNA that defines the next human species, moving us inevitably to a stage of human evolution much more different from our current species than all the evolutionary stages that preceded us.
We must understand that this work of supramental descent is a conscious act of entering the programming of our cells, down to the DNA of our human genetics, and gradually, step by step, allowing these codes to be re-written. It has nothing to do with the rational mind, emotions or instincts, all of which are products of a past evolution. As the supramental descent takes place it pushes up to the surface all the resistance held within morphogenetic fields of the past history of the human race, all the patterns of violence, aggression, greed, insecurity and fear. Thus it is no simple matter to incarnate the supramental consciousness. An entirely new foundation needs to be built up from the ruins of the old. The descent is necessarily accompanied by all the symptoms of our collective human resistance and suffering as it emerges into conscious awareness in order to be released.
Thus the announcement made about the work of transformation being postponed came from this unconscious internalized resistance, an attempt to slow down the unravelling process, perhaps an attempt to ease the pain of too quick a transformation.
But this was only a surface truth. What few people are aware of is that the work did not stop with the Mother’s passing. In an act of great determination and courage, Satprem came to the realization that it was his task to continue the Mother’s work in his own body. Just as Sri Aurobindo had transferred the supramental force and light accumulated in his body to the Mother, she managed to occultly transfer her own supramental force to Satprem, who then continued the work from 1982 right up to his death in 2007.
Satprem had recorded all his conversations with the Mother over the 23 years they had been together. She had chosen him and prepared him not simply to record her own experiences of divine materialization but to accomplish something else he had not foreseen. These conversations were transcribed and became the basis for the 13 volumes of The Agenda. They also became the basis of this work being continued within his own body, as chronicled in the 24 volumes of his Notebooks of an Apocalypse of which only 11 volumes have been published in French to this day. (see flammedalterite.wordpress.com).
One of the team of people involved in the translation and publishing of these notebooks into English, Diksha, was describing to me some of the concrete aspects of this supramentalization process. About six months before the Mother left her body she had managed to do such a work in the cells of her body that she was about to conquer the need for food. As Satprem began his own journey of conscious transformation a cellular mutation started to take place within his body and the action of the supramental force focused on three fundamental areas: structure, breathing and nutrition.
Two months before he died in 2007 Satprem wrote a small note to Kireet Joshi saying “I have reached the end”; the great doorway, which the ancient Vedas refer to as Mahas Patah, was now open, and the possibility of deathlessness now existed as a distinct morphogenetic possibility within the human species.
Creating a morphogenetic field is like seeding a new possibility within a genetic pool. The nature of these fields is that once initiated it makes it possible for other people to follow. Like the story of the hundredth monkey it is becoming easier and easier now for more and more people to accomplish the same cellular mutations until, when the moment is right, these new capabilities become manifest in the entire species.
It seems to me that Satprem has played a role just as important as Sri Aurobindo or the Mother’s in taking forward this work of supramental transformation. I am greatly comforted to know this. Perhaps it is not going to take two or three hundred years after all for a first supramental being to be manifested. As I study world events today it seems to me that this great work is continuing to accelerate ever more strongly. It may be only a matter of years or decades now until a divine human specimen breaks itself loose from the worn out shell of a dying age.
On 29 February this year it will be 60 years since the supramental descent of 1956. Meanwhile, we are placed in a situation where not only a global financial collapse but also the possibility of a third and final world war seems imminent. The asuric forces are rampant out in the world. But do these forces have a reality of their own, or they simply a response to this supramental force as it presses upon human consciousness? The nature of evolutionary leaps is such that they only take place when the old order has become sufficiently destabilized. The asuric forces have been divinely ordained to create this destabilization. Just as it seems that we will inevitably sink into collapse and destruction, the evolutionary spark will be ignited, and a collective event will become possible.
There are those who will feel called to continue this avataric work within their own bodies until it is done. And when it is complete we shall rise up as sun eyed children of the new dawn, architects of immortality, striking one mighty blow upon the golden doors of a new earth, pioneering a new species of humanity into existence.